Friday, July 23, 2021

23 Common Definitions of Sex-related Terms

Sex, the much restricted word with its attendant stigma, scandal and taboo, is found in the dictionary. It means sexual activity specifically sexual intercourse. What then is sexual intercourse? Oh, you do that, find out the meaning of sexual intercourse. Another meaning of sex is the categorization of humans into male and female. Like most English words, sex, has several meanings. So do words associated with it. Do you use the right word to describe people's behaviour and/or vices when they concern sex? I compiled a few sex-related or sex-associated words that are often associated with women (or men) and often inappropriately used. As you would notice, they typify vices, places or things associated with sex. Here are a few:

  1. Harlot: a prostitute, or a woman who looks or behaves like one.
  2. Prostitute: a person who has sex for money.
  3. Prostitute something/yourself: to use your skills, abilities, etc. to do something that earns you money but that other people do not respect because you are capable of doing something better.
  4. Slut: a woman who has many sexual partners. A woman who is very untidy or lazy.
  5. Whore: a female prostitute. An offensive word used to refer to a woman who has sex with a lot of men.
  6. Whorehouse: a brothel. A place where people pay to have sex.
  7. Brothel: a house where people pay to have sex with prostitutes. 
  8. Brothel creepers: suede shoes with thick soft soles, popular in the 1950s. *Those shoes must have helped men tip-toe into their prostitutes' bedrooms especially on noisy wood or concrete  floors.* 
  9. Bestiality: sexual intercourse between a person and an animal.
  10. Lesbian: a woman who is sexually attracted to other women. A gay woman. Relating to gay women or homosexuality in women. *It takes more than living in Boston, Massachusetts to be a lesbian, a note to lazy and mischievous Nigerians.*
  11. Lesbianism: sexual attraction between women. Sexual activity between/among women.
  12. Homosexual: sexually attracted to people of one's own sex or gender. A person who is sexually attracted to people of their own sex.
  13. Homosexuality: the quality or characteristic of being sexually attracted solely to persons of the same gender or one's own sex.
  14. Bisexual: sexually attracted not exclusively to people of one particular gender. Sexually attracted to both men and women.
  15. Bisexuality: the quality or characteristic of being sexually attracted not exclusively to people of one particular gender.
  16. Queer: homosexual. Strange or odd. Slightly ill.
  17. Gay: homosexual. Brightly coloured. Showy.
  18. Nymphomaniac: a woman with uncontrollable or excessive sexual desire.
  19. Nymphomania: uncontrollable or excessive sexual desire in a woman.
  20. Frigid: unable to be sexually aroused.
  21. Prude: a person who is or claims to be easily shocked by matters relating to sex or nudity.
  22. Transgender: denoting or relating to a person whose sense of personal identity does not correspond with their birth sex.
  23. Condom: a thin rubber sheath worn on a man's penis during sexual intercourse as a contraceptive or as a protection against infection. There is also a female condom but it isn't popular in most societies.
This post helps readers to use the right words when addressing as issue or a person. It's not enough to own or have access to a dictionary. Use it appropriately. Thank you very much.

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