Thursday, July 15, 2021

3 Ways to Know a Witch or Wizard (especially a warlock) - 2

 In the last post, I mentioned the three ways that one can know (not spot) a witch or wizard. Here, I shall attempt to explain myself further.

  1. Harm: Witches and wizards cause harm to other people in the society. What is harm? It is damage or injury that is caused by a person or an event. In saying this, I'm trying to point out that harm doesn't even have to happen directly from those vile elements. Many people say damaging things to other people in order to cause trouble in the society. No war was caused without a witch or a wizard in the picture. They start rumours, fuel them and ensure that more problems are created for others. Have you heard of people being poisoned at wedding parties? That used to be rampart many years ago at Aba. Unfortunately, when one celebrates not everybody will be happy with you. Ensure that nobody is there to cause you any harm. Witch doctors produce potent poison to harm or kill the clients' victim. Many love potions are prepared by witches and wizards. People consult them to determine their fate. Witches conspire to do harm. They deceive people and beguile them for self-serving purposes. I've had personal experiences with people who caused me harm. In 2007, when I returned from the USA and consulted for a ticket, I was introduced to a lady who sold the ticket to me. I got a return ticket from Turkish Airlines. I had borrowed money to pay for the ticket. On arrival in the USA, I called the airlines to ask if I could get a refund. After several calls, they asked me to speak to the ticket agent for my refund. I contacted the lady, whom I met through a mutual acquaintance named Osagie Idehen, who was based in Alabama, USA. She asked me to scan and send the ticket to her and I did. I have since not heard from her about the ticket or the refund and how much! I expected an explanation from and and it appeared to be the last thing that would come from her. I am yet to understand what she thought I would do to earn a living. Earn money and have others tell me what to do with it? It wasn't up to her to buy the ticket for me with her own money. It was up to her and her cohort to either decide to keep it or share it among them. I haven't since understood the rationale behind her character or attitude. The acquaintance, Osagie, was a contact I called from Temple Square, Salt Lake City and strangely kept in touch with him since. The ticket lady was a married woman from Anambra State. She told me that much when I went to pick up the flight ticket from her office. I would really not understand if there was a conspiracy between her and Osagie and why. I have tried to use Osagie to reopen the matter but he ignores my conversation anytime it went that way. This is witchcraft and wizardry. It's evil not to come out clean when you are dealing with other people. That year in 2007, I asked Osagie for help while I was struggling to find my footing in Boston, Massachusetts. He lent $200 dollars to me. I hadn't still heard from the ticket lady about my ticket refund. After a while, when I was starting to go to school, he asked for his money back. I sent him a money order and paid off the $200 in full. I didn't think that it was any business of his to refund the money if there was any to be returned. I hadn't asked anybody to represent me behind my back. I had nobody source money for me to purchase the ticket. It wasn't anybody's meeting to bring the money except mine. So, with his money paid back, I decided that he wasn't privy to the unpaid refund or concerned with it. In 2018, I asked him for help and he sent me $100 twice. He was in the USA. I promised to repay after one year. I hadn't collected the money when a lady around my office began to make a suspicious phone call by my kiosk, cursing out loud over a N35, 000 that was paid to somebody. I didn't understand why that money was being talked about. It was strange what came out of that woman's mouth. Anyway, I'm yet to repay Osagie's money as I'm trying to find out from him if he's in touch with his friend or partner-in-crime. He knows that I owe him money but doesn't care that he introduced me to a possibly rogue ticket agent. Uwa nke a di egwu. An explanation was what I asked for but that seemed to be hard in coming from them. To many people, it wasn't up to them to invest in my problems, it's always their right to reap the rewards of my hard work and sweat. Too bad. While Mr Osagie Idehen whom I visited twice in Alabama, first in 2008 and again in 2011, has been that friend that I've known, I worry that he's turning weird with being associated with this quality of a wizard. I suspect that my email has become a meeting point for many witches and wizards who read my mail  and use my address to send messages to people. So look out for the people who cause harm to you or others. Chances are that they are witches and wizards. Wizards don't only live in Kansas, Oyo, Ijebu Ode, Cross River or Akwa Ibom States. They are everywhere you go deliberately causing insecurity in the society.
  2. Distortion: To distort is to change the shape, appearance, or sound of something so that it is strange, not clear or familiar. It also means to twist or change facts, beliefs, ideas, etc. so that they are no longer correct or true. When witches and wizards distort facts or features, they are trying to deceive others. They are never coming out with the truth because they have something up their sleeve. Distortion aids criminals. They lie in order to get away from indictment and conviction. They hate and wouldn't need you to find them out. They change their names and use aliases in order to achieve their selfish ends. Do you know anybody who has had to change her official name over and over? Chances are that she's a witch or a die hard criminal. Forget the lie about being from the CIA or the FBI, they are mere sluts and witches trying to get away with evil. There was an occasion when I had to deceive people for personal gain. I was in 100 level at the University of Ibadan. I was introduced to one Bola by one Chidinma, both of whom were in 300 level, who then was the president of the student organization of our department. We dated briefly and he would ask me for money a few times. I didn't understand him. I told him calmly that I didn't have enough money to share with him. He became furious and said he was going to report me to my church in order to disgrace me. I didn't understand why he was coming on me that wickedly. So, I plotted to shame him. I went and imitated his handwriting and wrote a stinker to myself and accused him of blackmail. The letter was published on the Union of Campus Journalists' board, exposing the relationship. He was accosted and shamed for his bullying. But he didn't write the letter. Of course, he didn't but I shamed us out of that relationship and decided that that one romantic encounter with a Yoruba man was enough. It wasn't to accuse him of stealing or anything. Far from it. I didn't know why I resorted to that style but it worked for me to steer clear of trouble makers. I didn't want to have anything to do with him or his tribe in UI ever again because he framed me in a way that I was very maddened. I was reactive but hell, yeah! What man would be so wicked to shame a lady in public in the way he chose to do? He lied about our relationship and I decided to help him along. There's much to regret about the University of Ibadan, but it's all I need to share here. Beware of people who distort information, change their names or give off information to suit just themselves. Chances are you are working with a witch or wizard. In 2011, I travelled from Dallas to Houston, Texas. I boarded a bus and along came a tall white woman clutching a doll. She was dressed in a black dress and looked very weird. Anyway, I wasn't sure about Dallas and her cults. I didn't think it was Halloween as it was in February or early March. We travelled along and she tried to change her seat position a few times before the end of the trip. I ensured to avoid her sitting directly behind me. When people alighted the bus, she changed positions and had to sit in front of me on the same line. I was infuriated that there wasn't another place for me to sit on the bus. Later, I decided it didn't matter. Unfortunately, as we were travelling, I felt that I got something shot at me from nowhere. It was imaginative like three gunshots but nothing familiar. I knew that something was wrong. When we arrived in Houston, I watched her only to see her queuing up on the return bus to Dallas that same night around 9 pm. What had she gone to Houston to do? And why was she returning to Dallas immediately? Ha! I was really scared to travel on the Greyhound again. That woman must have been a witch. Witches do plastic surgery in order to disguise themselves and deceive other people. They deliberately engage in corruption.
  3. Disruption: Witches and wizards make it difficult for something to continue in the normal way. They hate your success. When you sit for the UTME and succeed, they are there or send their emissaries to torment you. They are going to ensure that you have trouble. It's their modus operandi. It's the only way they feel safe. They are insecure animals who are afraid of your achievements. They fear that you'll become popular. They use your family, friends and colleagues against you promising them treats. retreats, fantasies and even wealth. Many are rewarding one another through political contracts and grants nowadays. African democracy is a potent force for the achievement and entrenchment of witchcraft and wizardry on the continent. Elections are rigged by people who belong to ways of the heathen. They don't like to lose. They win in ugly and ignoble ways. They are sore losers. Witches disrupt lives. They disrupt events. Ever heard of a wedding being called off? Chances are that a witch and her machinations are at play. Ever heard of somebody marrying her best friend's boyfriend? Chances are that she's a witch. Of course, there could be many good reasons why something might get disrupted. However, it's the way of the wizard or the witch to disrupt good projects and other people's successes. On Temple Square, I was assigned to an American woman from Arizona. I didn't like that she was close associates with the Mission President, one Milo LeBaron. I felt that it reeked of corruption and permissiveness. She was going to get along with much mischief and treat other missionaries with disdain. One night, as we were about to go to bed in Provo, Utah, the lady, one Darci Shumway, climbed down from her bunk. She preferred to sleep on the top bed while I slept in the bed underneath. When she climbed down, I wanted to ask what she was doing because she was facing me, believing that she was praying. I wasn't sure whether she was praying or casting a spell. I didn't think it would be the latter. But yes, witches cast spells on other people. There are even books of spells. Those disrupt your mind and destroy your life. While I'm not accusing Shumway of witchcraft, it would only be interesting if she indeed was one. Deliberately lying against other people for personal gain is evil/vile and causes poverty.
Kids learning how to be witches and

While there's no way to spot a witch as far as I know, I think these three ways are sufficient to help you guard yourself against witches, wizards, their congregations and their effects on your life and destiny. Witches and wizards are dictatorial and love to influence others in those ways explained above. When they harm, distort and disrupt, chances are other people would begin to fear them and do their bidding. Beware of those people suffering immense inferiority complexes. 

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