Wednesday, January 12, 2022

5 Hours Tootoo and Commercial Sex Marriages

~ Lie Upon Lie. Pretense Upon Pretense

I crave your indulgence to bore you with this New Year resolution: exposing toxic people. It comes with a personal story. Anybody who knows me will tell that there’s no love lost between me and Mormons in over a decade now. I have tried as much as possible to distance myself from them and their gatherings. They are malicious liars and delinquent hypocrites. I have tried to make that of all Christianity and haven’t been attending any church in several years. It has had its backlash. For no reason, I’ve been without employment for years and I blame it on their lies and sympathizers. I didn’t invent Mormonism. If anyone noticed the year of the global lock down could have marked 200 years commemoration of their infamous 1820 fable when Joseph Smith claimed that he saw God and his son Jesus Christ who told him none of the other Christian churches was true and theirs. The whole time that I was a missionary on Temple Square in  Salt Lake City, Utah was wrapped around the tales of survival told by his followers, especially those who followed his successor, Brigham Young, to the Rocky Mountains of present day Utah. Any ardent member of the LDS Church would be very familiar with the fable of 1820 called the First Vision in Mormon lingo, which I believe the COVID-19 pandemic was a conspiracy that simulated that era when there weren’t cars on the streets of the United States. Didn’t it feel like the 19th century all over the world? There were no flights, no churches and that infamous social distancing when men and women hardly communicated or had frequent sexual intercourse? There were probably horse drawn carts in the USA even during the pandemic. Was that a thank you to the Mormon Church for its contribution to humanity or its many lies that have hindered the truth? Whatever was going on, the world bore the brunt. I don’t care how hard the devil works to get people misled, he’s still the father of all lies and I add all liars. And yes, does look after his own. They are agents of conspiracy even using my own family against me.They are privy to every activity of mine and aren't shamed or reprimanded for their shameless stalking. Hardly is anybody shamed for any wrongdoing in that church except they are connected to me.

Back to my story and essence of the post; when I returned from abroad (Dallas/Boston, USA) in 2011, I had a failed relationship, which didn’t grow into a marriage with one Mr. Menelik (is that a name?) Ukpai from Ohafia. There was make-believe courtship between us and other such brouhaha. The relationship died in 2011 and by March 2012, the man married another woman in the LDS Church. He was allegedly LDS and while I wasn’t very happy with the members of the church and its leadership, I continued to identify with it. It was the church I attended since childhood; my parents had officially joined them in 1985, when I wasn’t even 5 years old. I was baptized into the church in 1990. It was the only familiar faith that I knew and attended even while an undergraduate of the University of Ibadan. I knew many of the members were found wanting in chastity. Many were liars, preferring to be corrected than would they volunteer the truth gladly. Truly, I wasn’t really interested in the marriage and I communicated such to the man. He was from Ohafia and I was from Ngwa. I wasn’t very given to the wiles and ways of Ohuhu men. I didn’t like their culture either. I thought that the Church would make a difference somewhat in his life and decided to give it a try. I didn’t even know why we separated after about 5 months of acquaintanceship. There wasn't coitus between us but we had at some time done some petting and necking. But when the separation happened I suffered the fool gladly after a sham introduction exercise at my family house in Osisioma in October, 2011. I would learn that he wedded another woman in 2012 whom he was probably seeing behind my back. She wasn’t known to me at the time and still unknown to me till date.

Life continued as before and I was attending church service until one guy named James Onwubiko accosted me on the church grounds on Okpu Umuobo Road one evening while I was within the Aba Nigeria Temple grounds. I wasn’t given to his invitation and after many attempts at getting my attention he asked me out. He first asked for a meeting after church service, which I didn’t understand what he wanted from me. Eventually, I gave him audience in one of the classes in the Aba chapel (that’s what Mormons call their meeting houses) near the Aba Temple. He told me of his intent to get to know me and that I was his type of person blah blah blah. I didn’t think so and told him so. But I got to know that he was Ngwa man and wanted to learn more about what brought him to Aba for he was a new face in the city. I would later find out from him that he had left a job in Owerri allegedly working with a former Imo State first lady and relocated to Aba in order to keep the grounds of the Aba Nigeria temple, choosing to do a job that was considered below his educational status for job security. He lived a walking distance from this work place, at a place called Achilefu Close off Okpu Umuobo Road, Aba. 

We continued to see in church and chatted quite often. I found out that he didn’t attend the mandatory LDS Church mission, which was mandatory for  LDS young men. I reckoned that he wasn’t interested in attending and was caught up with other things. I asked what other things but he gave me no useful answer. He was a graduate of Abia State University, Uturu according to him. I got to know more about him as we met in church. Once I teased him about playing with one girl named Miriam Bennet whom I told him he appeared to be fond of. He answered that there was nothing to their relationship as she was still a little girl. I laughed his denial off.  I would later see him with a woman whom he later told me was a friend of his. I asked to know why he would ask to date me if he already had a girlfriend, preferring not to be an object of ridicule. He told me she wasn’t well behaved and he didn’t want to be stuck in a bad marriage. I asked him that if he wasn’t sure of her character why he was mentioning her to me. He claimed that she was an old friend even from his stay in Owerri, that she often visited with him and told him about his new job he got and was doing. She like me was a returned missionary of the LDS Church who had done her own missionary service in Ghana, believably in Accra. She was a student of Abia State Polytechnic, Aba and lived in the nearby neighbourhood. I wasn’t sure she had graduated school in early 2012 when all this drama was unfolding. Living alone possibly afforded her the opportunity to befriend some men in the area. It was even alleged that she was sleeping with one Akwa Ibom man in our neighbourhood. This was in 2011 before the James Onwubiko saga.

One day after church service, James asked me to visit him and see his house for the first time. I had hitherto refused to oblige that request from him. He was living in a bedroom located in the kitchen line of a communal yard at Achilefu Close. The said lady, Ezihe Macaulay, was in his company as he extended the invitation to me. I agreed to accompany him to his house since she was in attendance. A few seconds later, she asked to leave to speak with their bishop (somewhat like a pastor) one Mr Ehiriodo. She said she would join us at James’ house after speaking with Mr Ehiriodo. I went away with James and after some time, Ezihe arrived having seen the bishop which of them, theirs or mine, I had no idea. She always had her way with men.  James had removed his church cloth and was in a pair of knickers and t-shirt. I made him wear his t-shirt when he thought his garment was all that he needed to wear. He obliged my request. When the other woman arrived, he asked her to extend hospitality to me that the house was hers as well as his. I thought that was quite revealing – James was playing games with me and I noted to keep the relationship platonic; to never take his proposal seriously. He was probably used to insult me in her presence as he often complained of her insolence to me. He told me that Ezihe Macaulay often passed the night with him in his bedroom. I wasn’t sure what her status with him was but I was determined to relegate the player to the background. He could make a good chat mate but never a friend or a confidant. After spending a few more minutes with James and Ezihe who was at will displaying her garment pants to both of us, I think he offered food but I didn’t eat because he apologized that he had eaten all the meat in the food. If I did eat, that was the only meal that I had with James. I actually never took any hospitality from him except opposite Binez Hotel in Aba in 2018 after I had stopped attending the LDS Church.

Another day, I called James on the phone wanting to know if he could tell me one or two things about running a nongovernmental organization from his work experience in Owerri. He asked me to come over to get the information. He had a few pamphlets to share with me.  He had promised to bring the material to me for many days and hadn’t. I asked him to bring it out to a junction from where I could pick it up but he said that he was very busy and couldn’t oblige my request. I walked to his house to pick up the pamphlet. I passed the gates of Achilefu Close and there was Miss Ezihe Macaulay in a salon making her hair. She was with the younger sister of another member of the LDS Church one, Martha Chigbata who worked with James Onwubiko within the LDS Aba Temple complex. I greeted the duo and passed to James’ house. True to his word, he was engrossed in the activity of moving property from his one room abode to another area of the building where he had secured three rooms for expansion. He asked me to help him move furniture but I told him that it was his kola to chew. He sat me in one of the three rooms, gave me the pamphlet to keep me busy and continued his chore. The doors were open. He asked me to sit in the new place where he was moving into as the old room was in a disheveled state. I waited for him and read the pamphlet meanwhile. 

He brought me a copied book of Horoscope. I asked him if he knew that the LDS Church frowned upon horoscope at least in principle. He answered that he did what he liked and liked the book. I told him that I was aware of horoscope and asked what his Zodiac sign was. He told me Virgo, which was like mine. I asked about his girlfriend’s and he said Taurus. I told me that zodiac believed that Virgo-Taurus match was a good one for marriage. He replied he didn’t think so as they often quarreled over everything. He told me that he had given her N4k for the hair do and asked if she was in the salon. It was a Saturday, I believed. I told him that Taurus signs were adjudged good money managers. He agreed that she was a good money manager who was managing her life with a small business while paying off her student loan. She had requested from him the sum of N18k for a fruit salad business that he had promised and fulfilled. She was also paying back her Perpetual Education Fund loan. I teased him that if he married her he should help her offset the loan to which he chuckled. We probably spent 5 minutes chatting and he returned to his work. He had tried to steal a kiss and I pushed him away. Till date, there hasn’t been any sexual intercourse with Mr James Onwubiko nor any member of his family. I don’t know his friends and if he has nothing to do with anybody in my life that would be everybody known to him. I never consulted any shaman or occult person or fortune teller to tell me what I needed to know about James. I was sincere about my lack of interest in him because he came across as deceitful and even immoral.

I asked to leave after I realized that I had spent time more than was responsible. He asked me to wait for him to get dressed from the old room as he would be going out the gates to purchase recharge card or whatever. It was customary for hosts to walk visitors to the road. He apologized for his silly act and asked me not to count it against him. We locked his doors and we walked out together. When we got to the gates of Achilefu, Miss Macaulay accosted me and challenged me. She said that she was disappointed in my long stay with James at his house that I had stayed away for 5 hours. I was baffled. Five hours? How? I asked her if she had been in the salon for 5 hours and why was that the correct time that I had spent with James. She was crying, probably she started crying in the salon. Martha Chigbata’s sister was watching us the whole time from her salon, which now is a cement shop located just into the Achilefu Close gates now covered with corrugated iron roofing sheets. Some people, like the devil, work hard to hide the truth. I wasn’t used to Ghana voodoo or witchcraft. I couldn’t believe the slut’s temerity. If I spent 5 hours in James’ room, what gave her the right to pass the night with him before their marriage? They were probably engaged but Onwubiko never came clear to me. I told her that she was deluded and not correct about the time that I was away with James. He and I walked away and while she was walking away towards James’ house she turned and asked him for his house key. He refused to give the key to her and walked away. 

If James Onwubiko whom the LDS Church has possibly made a Gulder drinking bishop had or has a big, small, straight or crooked penis, I , Ijeoma Monica Njoku never saw, felt nor enjoyed it front or back. No blow job, or any sort of sexual intercourse occurred between us till date. They are married and must know what I’m talking about. At least they should be having sex tootoo (meaning all the time or too much of something or activity) after nearly 10 years of marriage. It was never a quest to experience Mr James Onwubiko’ s private part. I’m not sure whether it would be smelly or a good sport. Arrant nonsense. I don’t sleep around. Ha! I wasn’t sure why she would be crying over a man who thought little of her and saw her as a nuisance except he was using reverse psychology on me. Honestly, I missed my opportunity to actually call her out as her morality was nothing to write home about. Her friendship with her church leader, Mr. Ehiriodo was getting into her head. But I chose the high road. She wasn’t even accusing me of snatching a man I was faintly interested in. I liked that he was ambitious or at least acting so, that’s all. I don’t like slobbers and he had a pot belly, which meant that he drank alcohol against the LDS Church doctrine, or so they preach. I would confirm this at another time in front of Binez Hotel when he drank a bottle of Gulder and bragged that he drank alcohol at will. This was before he was made a bishop. He bought me a bottle of Origin beer. He was waiting for some men whom he later handed bundles of money. I wasn’t sure what they were contracting. I meeting on that day was incidental. I had quit attending the LDS Church since 2013. 

A few weeks after the incident at Achilefu Close, Mr Onwubiko asked why I was avoiding him. I told him that I wasn’t interested in entertaining his mad friend any longer since hanging around him could invite her nasty attitude again. He told me that she had reported him to their bishop Mr Ehiriodo who mandated three month probation for her repentance while reprimanding him and mandating a marriage between the couple. I asked why he wasn’t included in the probation since they had sex together. He didn’t give me a reply. I thought that church was rude and misogynistic. A man and a woman commit fornication and only the woman is sanctioned. Tufiakwa. He said that his job was threatened, so he had given in to pressure. A few weeks later, I registered the NGO Global Initiative in Defence of Women and Children in Abuja. James would later tell me that he was getting married to Macaulay and I told him that it wasn’t any business of mine. We never spoke again after that incident in 2012 until some years later. And I don’t accept her greeting till date. He wasn’t any lover or friend of mine. She appeared to be fighting to keep her man or to get married for the sake marriage. I didn’t care whether his claims were right or not, sincere or not sincere with me. I think they wedded in September, 2012 in the same Aba Nigeria Temple where I believe Mr Ukpai wedded his own wife early 2012. They put up pictures on Facebook. I was in Lagos State while the wedding was taking place. Nobody asked my own side of the story. Everybody got their dose of the gossip and went home happily. The LDS Church has never asked me my side of any story in any quarrel or incident. I left that make-believe very gladly. It was enough to endure make-believe; I wasn’t going to fund or feature in its prima facie. Beware of a commercial sex marriage where the partners are hardly in love with each other but are in it for a purpose. 

Here are the features of a commercial sex marriage arrangement, which is prevalent in Aba and the LDS Church that I have refused to participate in.

To be continued….

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