Thursday, September 29, 2022

Anatomy of Bottom Power

Bottom Power Cooking All Over the World

I promised to write on this topic many months ago. What happened while the world was going in many directions? I don't know. I just was thinking about other things until now. But it's been a worrisome phenomenon in the developing world in recent time. This phenomenon, viz bottom power, is as old as man...and woman. It's even Biblical. Do tell, why would Adam lose his freedom to heeding a woman? I dunno...let's ask him. If he had to leave the Garden of Eden because a woman could sway him, wow! This phenomenon should be considered a global problem. In Nigeria, it's been a recent wave because of many factors including over population, unemployment and the baby mama boom cum industry. However, let's get it going one bit at a time....What truly is Bottom Power?

What is Bottom Power? Bottom Power is gross indiscipline and stems from leveraging sexual relations for clout and gain. It is found in all spheres of human endeavour. It is different from hard power, employed by authorities or soft power, employed by subordinates over their superiors.

Source: Internet

What is Anatomy? It is the act of dividing anything, corporeal or intellectual, for the purpose of examining its parts.

What is the Anatomy of Bottom Power? In discourse, it is the act of analyzing the component parts of using sex or sexual relations for power, influence or financial/transactional gain.

Why is Bottom Power a Social/Global Problem? Bottom Power is a problem because it’s a canker, which is an evil or dangerous influence that spreads and affects people’s behaviour. People yield to its strong effect such that it has ruined individuals, empires, destroyed homes and led nations to bankruptcy. Hence, it’s important to identify the components of this social vice in order to eradicate or at least mitigate its harmful effects in the society.

Places to find Bottom Power: These places include homes, families, neighbourhoods, communities, offices, politics, religious places and other institutions such as schools and hospitals even the Police Force yield to Bottom Power. There is Bottom Power anywhere a bad human being exists.

Tripod of Bottom Power: Bottom Power sits on a tripod. This means that it rests on three fundamental techniques, which include lie, demand and threat. A lie is a statement made by somebody knowing that it is not true. Doers of bottom power lie incessantly and irresponsibly. They make harmful and often unnecessary demands of others and use threats in order to have their way. Lies come in different ways including use of flattery, alibi and aliases. There are examples of these techniques employed by biblical women and even men. Remember Potiphar’s wife? Do you recall how she lied against Joseph and got him jailed? Do you remember Delilah? She demanded to know Sampson’s secret and when it was told, it got him maimed and killed. There was also Herodias, the wife of Herod, who asked for the death of John the Baptist. Or Tamar? Oh! She disguised (lied) as a harlot and got her revenge on Judah, her father-in-law.

What is a demand? It is a very firm request for something. There was Haman, the King Ahasuerus’ right hand man and his chief minister until he wanted to kill Mordecai and all the Jews. Well, Esther was able to use her position as queen to liberate her people even at a great risk to her life. There was also Rahab the harlot of Jericho. She lied to her king, hid the spies from Jerusalem and helped them escape into the wilderness. What she got was immunity from Jerusalem and even favour that gave her a rich man for a husband, saving herself and her family. Those women have lived and died but their age long techniques are still ruining the world. 

What is a threat? It is a statement in which you tell somebody that you will harm or punish them, especially if they do not what you want. I don’t know if the Bible is teaching women to become bitches than righteous. It is turning men into power drunk wannabe and trouble makers. I dunno…. Jacob’s mother allowed him to trick his father thereby depriving Esau of his Father’s Blessing. While it may have just being reward from Rebecca don’t underestimate the possibility of Bottom Power at play even then. I have had to lose a lot of my property at home, yet nothing has come of my report to even the police. This must be Bottom Power at play; shame on the Nigeria Police Force. Many people even threaten with suicide when they make demands and usually would use this to increase their Bottom Power portfolio. Any reason why this evil ain’t going away?

Elements/Ingredients of Bottom Power: The pot of Bottom Power sits on the tripod and emits a troublesome aroma that fills the world with individual conquests but national catastrophes. In the pot are several ingredients that cook together to wreck the whole wide world. Users of Bottom Power are often drama or drag queens who look for trouble in all acts of theirs. They look for the trouble dimension and go for the Jugular. It’s that simple. They want their selfish interests met most of the time and that’s trouble for the whole world sooner or later. Like food ingredients, Bottom Power ingredients are used in different measures in order to achieve a certain taste or impact. They know what to add whenever they need any particular taste or effect. It’s that simple. So it’s used to taste. These ‘B’ elements are verbs, they are action words. Here they are:

1.       Beg: You probably think that people who exhibit Bottom Power don’t beg for anything. Far from it. Begging is to ask somebody for something especially in an anxious way because you want or need it very much.

2.       Brag: This is to talk too proudly about something you own or something you have done. For you to listen to them you would be impressed with the amount of power that they wield or had wielded. Many times, you will be providing them with that bragging right the next time they are laying claim to any conquest to somebody else.

3.       Beguile: This is to trick somebody into doing something, especially by being nice to them. It is also to attract or interest somebody in such a way that they fall hopelessly for you or your antics. In Nigerian parlance, you go fall yakata for them because of their sweet mouth. They ‘kill you with kindness.’

4.       Blackmail: This is to force somebody to give you money or do something for you by threatening them, for example by saying you will tell people a secret about them. There is emotional blackmail or moral blackmail. Pastors are often victims of this ingredient of Bottom Power. Those who don’t want any scandal are often shamed to such evil.

5.       Bully: It is to frighten or hurt a weaker person. It is also to use your strength or power to make somebody do something you want. Ever heard the word, akata? It’s a slang borrowed from Nigerian Pidgin and used in the USA to refer to troublesome African-American women. They are believed to be bullies so they often use this ingredient a lot in cooking up their Bottom Power. Haba!

6.       Bribe: This is to give somebody money or something valuable in order to persuade them to help you, especially by doing something dishonest. Bribes are done by both men and women. When done by women for the purpose of gaining entry, it becomes the passport to service. It forms the basic ingredient for cooking up Bottom Power for work related requests. When the bubble bursts the parties might yield to blackmail and the perpetrator gets what they want.

7.       Beset: This is to affect somebody in unpleasant or harmful way. Violence is employed to achieve this type of Bottom Power. Sugar boys, gigolos and homosexuals often employ this ingredient in cooking up their Bottom Power. While blackmail is rarely employed in those relations violence often gives them what they want from their women or partners.

      Besiege: This is to assail or ply as with requests or demands. It is also to surround with armed forces for the purpose of compelling to surrender. 

      Besmirch: This is to tarnish, especially one’s reputation. Complaints about other people are used by doers of Bottom Power in order to damage people’s opinion about them. This is harmful when there’s no third party to detect the lie or there has been a conspiracy. Doers of Bottom Power would even have watertight alibi despite all their falsehood and deception. 

Basis for Bottom Power: Indiscipline or immorality.

Drivers of Bottom Power: Greed, promiscuity, bigotry, narcissism, wickedness, pride and prejudice are the vicious drivers of Bottom Power in most societies.

Fire of Bottom Power: Corruption fuels Bottom Power, which unnecessarily rewards and lionizes wayward/immoral men and women.

Players of Bottom Power: Habitual players of Bottom Power are women including mistresses, the heathen, harlots, prostitutes, narcissists, gold-diggers, hustlers, spies, witches, warlocks, gigolos and homosexuals/lesbians. Children and men are incidental users/doers of Bottom Power. In a nutshell, players of Bottom Power are immoral and vile.  Who read Jagua Nana and Jagua Nana's Daughter by Cyprain Ekwensi? Anyway....

In my opinion, these are the essential components of Bottom Power. I have watched movies, read novels and have even had personal encounters with this evil phenomenon in Nigeria and in the United States of America. I saw it play out during my secondary school days at Ovom Girls’ High School, Aba. I saw how many girls employed Bottom Power during my University days in Ibadan. It was great evil at Air Force Comprehensive School, Ibadan during my National Youth Service Corps. It would be silly to think that Bottom Power never came into play on Temple Square in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA with over 600 women from over 40 countries in one person's experience. What of during my graduate school days in Boston? So, Bottom Power is a menace that mostly yields individual gains but brings collective destruction. If it is a problem to many societies, shouldn’t we seek a solution to it? While Bottom Power may seem like juju, it's actually curable.

How to Eradicate/Tackle Bottom Power in the Society…coming soon.                                                                                                                                                                    

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