Monday, June 28, 2021

5Cs of Corruption and Its 4Cs Remedy

While leaders worry about corruption in high places, I'm bothered by how little is done about corruption in low places.

What is corruption? It is dishonest, fraudulent and illegal conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery. Here are the 5 traits of corruption and some of the way to mitigate it.

  1. Commission: Every crime of corruption is produced, perpetrated or carried out in order to fulfill an end. No act of corruption has taken place without somebody enacting an immoral act alone or with other people.
  2. Complicity: This is the act of being involved with others in an activity that is unlawful or unjust (morally wrong).
  3. Compliance: This represents the action of complying (act in accordance) with a wish or command.
  4. Conspiracy: Conspiracies are secret plans made jointly to commit an unlawful or harmful act.
  5. Complacency:  This is the feeling of uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one's achievements. This negates change. Complacent people don't want change because they benefit from the status quo or are afraid of repercussion. 

By the way, the Mongolian woman in black in the video was reported to have absconded from her mission on Temple Square, Salt Lake City in 2006. I was her last but not the current 24-hour companion while she did so. I believe it was a planned escape for her yet the mission wanted it to be my fault. She read many letters and tore them up to facilitate her escape, probably advised to do so without my knowledge. What's the true story? It's not told to me yet!

 The winner takes it all?

Staff salaries, state projects, military subvention, all gone into one pocket in Nigeria?

 Like charity, corruption begins at home. Is your home and heart corruption free?

What are corrupt acts? Acts of corruption include but are not limited to examination malpractice, bribery, impersonation/imposture/identity theft, fraud, forgery and leaking state secrets. Here's what Transparency International has to say on corruption:

See what I got in my email from one Ruth Adetayo. I'm not sure why it got into my inbox. Do you know ANN? Tell her to use her email address, please.

4Cs Remedy include: 

  1. Cause: What are the causes of corruption? Are there loopholes, cracks and opportunities for theft in the constitution, work or home environment. What is the cause of corruption? Will it be greed, selfishness or poverty?
  2. Check: This is an examination to test or ascertain accuracy, quality, or satisfactory condition. Are there checks and balances to ensure that due diligence is done at work or wherever it's necessary? Is everybody getting equal scrutiny for work done? Is the process transparent? Like germs, corruption hides so that nobody would see it. So, as you do routine clean up exercises to ensure that the home is free of germs, ensure that all is done to rid the work process of corruption.
  3. Consequence: What are the consequences for corruption? Consequence is a result or effect, especially one that is unpleasant or unwelcome. Consequences would deter corruption when used appropriately.
  4. Communication: This means the successful imparting or exchanging of information, ideas, feelings and contact by speaking, writing or using some other medium. The causes, checks, and consequences of corruption should be communicated to everybody in the environment in order to yield, peace, law and order.

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