Monday, July 5, 2021

Child Witchcraft in Nigeria and Africa

Nigeria and indeed all of Africa are home to all forms of black magic or sorcery. To many, witchcraft is a rite of passage where grandmothers pass on voodoo or hoodoo to their daughters and granddaughters. It came with the pagan worship of most African societies. Evil spirits are believed to cause harm to people. And many times, they are invoked to insult one's enemies. There are many myths of such existence in Africa and other parts of the world. Due to slave trade and migration, sorcery from Africa migrated to the Caribbeans and the West. In Nigeria, major societies such as the Binis are infamous for the voodoo. In fact, there's great speculation that Haitians (where Voodoo originated) are descendants of Benin in Nigeria and Dahomey (now Benin Republic). But the Binis aren't the only people known to practice dark magic. In Akwa Ibom state, Nigeria, witchcraft including child witchcraft is very rampant. To learn more about witchcraft accusations of children in Africa read this report on Wikipedia here.

I have a personal experience with a minor or juvenile who has been a source of irritation in my family for over a year. About a year ago, my mother's older son brought home a girl, an arrangement with a member of his church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, who by the way are evil people. If you need to learn why you mustn't interact with them read this blog post. I recently discovered that a missionary that they claimed ran away or eloped from her mission was still known to them. They didn't spare making it my problem while I served as her last companion in Salt Lake City, Utah in 2006. Mormons seem to gain so much from elopement since their found Joseph Smith did the same. There was another house girl called Juliet in the house who eventually left and this current house girl called Success, from Akwa Ibom State, replaced her. Success had to do all the chores given to her by her mistress who was a wicked and malicious witch; by the way, witches are women who do harm to or cause trouble for others. I have written about her nuisance in my family here. The latest being that she and her husband had hidden EEDC utility bill for over six (6) months while it accumulated probably because it's in my mother's name. 

This is a couple that confiscated the family television and started quarrels that caused me bodily harm  during the lock down of last year, 2020. While y'all were in lock down I was frequenting the police station at Abayi, Aba (I heard the police station was set ablaze some time ago) and Abia State Teaching Hospital, Aba for treatment for my eye and head injuries. So, they kept my mother's flat screen Samsung television for over a year and wouldn't pay the electricity bill probably because they were forced to have sex. I haven't watched television in the last five years or more and my sources of income are being sabotaged by the present government. A recent job with the Local Government Service Commission of Abia State, which financed the hospital trip and police bills, was stopped or whatever rogue means that brought it into being has been interrupted.

 Here's the last bill from the Enugu Electricity Distribution Company. I had to intercept the EEDC man on his way to sharing bills to realize how long the bill had accumulated. 

This was the bill I had to intercept in order to find out the state of our affairs. Why was the bill unpaid and ignored? Over N70, 000 for a residential house for how long?

A woman is fine with this bill accumulating because she lives in a house free of rent and wants to use electricity free of charge as well as watch somebody else's television without shame or remorse. Is this the Igbo version of feminism that the likes of Chimamanda Adichie would like you to copy? I don't think so. This woman Chekwubechi Irene Njoku and her maid or house girl have been such a menace in my mother's house. Only recently, a rat died in the house and for several days I searched out my bedroom in search of the dead rat. I couldn't find one in my bedroom but I was able to find a fat one dead and full of maggots outside the house girl's window. I found a dust pan and disposed of the dead and smelly rat. I returned that evening to another bad odour from the house. For several hours I searched my bedroom and behind the washing machine but nothing was hiding there. I let it be to my chagrin. Perhaps Chekwubechi and her husband had used rat poison. That's what could cause such casualty of rats in the house. Or the neighbours did; who knew? Meanwhile, a peace maker eats her meals from my mother's kitchen and with her Chinaware including her plates, which weren't a gift to her for her marriage. Her (Chekwubechi's) family's failure to provide her a dowry, which is customary in Ngwaland and most of Igboland, has been a source of conflict in the family. My mother has been bullied by a nuisance from Mbaise because she towers above her. Every palm tree is felled no matter how tall it is. Must I perpetually regret my inability to study Law in 1999?

Another day, I returned to the house to find the whole place still fouled up. I checked my room again, removing belongings from atop the wardrobe just to make sure. Alas! There was nothing there. I managed to endure the smell that whole evening and left the house as usual the following morning. The next evening, I came home to the same bad smell of a dead rat. I was so furious that I got on all fours, sniffing everywhere and I could trace the evil smell from the adjoining door. The house girl lived in that room, which I had secured with a padlock to maintain my privacy. In anger and anguish, I matched to her bedroom and found the silly girl lying on her bed on her belly, looking through her classwork. I asked her about the bad smell and she said that she had no idea where the smell emanated from. I began to check for her and behold, a dead rat was decaying behind a bag and the stupid girl had slept in the room for three nights without much ado and ignored the smell of dead rats including the fat rat outside her window. 

This girl had never picked a broom to sweep our end of the house, which I share with my mother and her. While she's beaten up for every drop of water left behind on Chekwubechi's tiled floors (paid for by my mother). Success leaves the toilet dirty and doesn't flush it a few times because 'she would forget.' The girl would use the bathroom and leave water on the landing floor outside the bathroom, risking us a fall in the darkness of the inner lobby. A black dress belonging to her, which she used to mop rain water from the back door was left on the dirt floor for days until I took it out. The rag is still where I left it outside to dry some three months ago. Is this girl sane at all? My mother cleaned up after Chekwube's house girl or maid who slaved for her ungrateful mistress at the other end of the house, which my siblings and I laboured to build without the older brother's help (to the best of my knowledge and his acknowledgment). 

Just last week Friday, I returned home to scold her for leaving a ceiling fan in her bedroom turned on for several hours during the day. The house girl in the last year had developed the habit of leaving the fan in her bedroom on for several hours even while she's away attending day school. I would switch the fan off or my mother would switch it off. The little brat has paid no EEDC/NEPA bill, neither her boss nor her mistress yet she would leave the fan for hours while she was away from the bedroom for several hours for over 365 days. I had scolded her endlessly for it and it seemed every time she was even emboldened. So that Friday, I gave her two knocks on the head, the first time I would touch her in any way since her visit to that house to serve my mother's elder son and his Jezebel of a wife. Success's room, which was often left unkempt leaves rodents and pests crawling into my bedroom where I have my belongings. I haven't been in talking terms with her boss and mistress over the bodily harm caused me that  took us to the police station and the little witch has taken advantage of it. Even when other maids or house girls came around and swept, they would in no time leave the house leaving only her to mind her mistresses' chores. 

Since December 2017, Mrs Chekwubechi Chijioke Njoku has had five maids leaving in a house built by her mother-in-law who has turned into her arch rival or enemy by the younger woman's standards. Each time she says that somebody is trying to destroy my family and it's anybody else but she. See what a virtuous woman has done, left a utility bill running for several weeks and hid it to cause trouble for the subscriber. Perhaps that's how to take care of a family in Mbaise! She chased the short woman out of her kitchen and lived there with her own son after all, nobody gave birth to the beast she calls a husband.

This the house girl's room named Success. She leaves her bedroom this way often.

The girl thinks it's my mother's job to clean up her room or mine. This used to be my younger sister's bedroom now it's being overrun by a nuisance and her little pest

I locked the toilet up waiting for my mother to return from her shop only for the couple to force it open without correcting their house girls.

Last month, I once came home to a fouled up house because Success or another house girl named Happiness had used the toilet and didn't flush it. I locked it up until they learnt their manners. My mother, her son or daughter-in-law broke into it. It remains this way till this day. I have refused to use the toilet for how dirty the brat leaves it. I can't believe all this is happening in this day and age. I believe that my room remains used in my absence yet nobody has cautioned the little girl. All we get are insults and warnings not to touch a house girl that's been a punching bag to a demented house wife.

While child witchcraft might be unfounded, child nuisance or menace isn't. I am tempted to cause bodily harm to this girl who has done no chore for my mother nor me and leaves our house in such a mess as if a tornado had gone through her bedroom. I didn't sanction a marriage between Richard Chijioke and Chekwubechi that has been imposed on me as if I were the husband. A woman who came to her marriage would do so with humility not this one who parades herself as the owner of the Universe. Mormons have planted a woman even a witch in my family in order to cause problems for me. Chekwubechi's slave girl works for her from dawn to dusk. She leaves for school by 9 am because she must do all chores for her mistress each morning. This is child abuse. She's so used to doing her chores that it's so hard for her to remember to do anything for herself. Yet, she's a nuisance where she puts down her head to sleep each night. I can't think of any religion that encourages people to be a pest because they must be exalted in marriage. Marriage is a personal undertaking. It isn't a community project.

Nobody marries so that anybody else would provide a maid for her. My mother supported the marriage and all entreaties from me to her to tread with caution were ignored. Now, she cooks at her shop in public view while another woman, a daughter-in-law cooks in her kitchen, using her sink and kitchen cabinet and counter. They also chased the other brother and his wife away from the house. They too were a nuisance to me, because he made me bring money for him from his LDS Church mission which was converted into a parcel of land. More about the trip to Ijebu Ode in another blog post. All members of the abominable LDS Church, even extended family members use these people in my immediate family to torment me because of my return from the USA where I used to live and send the dollar home. It is abominable in Igboland and even Ngwaland and unheard of that a daughter-in-law would carry on like Chekwubechi or a son like Richard Chijioke or a mother like Jessie Njoku. The conspiracy that led to the housing situation and marriages has turned everybody into a laughing stock. The house girl (whom I suspect is a child to a woman who came through as a missionary to Temple Square in Salt Lake City in 2007 and used to live under the bridge in Lagos State before going to the USA) chances on the conflict and causes all sorts of disputes in the house.

While I was trained in conflict resolution in the USA, I didn't get any education in psychiatry or exorcism. I can't explain why a woman is bereft of all conscience. Has no shame in using her husband against his family, inflicts bodily harm on her house girls, all five of them. Claims she's a peace maker by all she has done to cause malice and hatred for me and my siblings. Whether it's all a joke or a mere trial I think that the trying has overdone its work. The Mormon clergy who enforced the marriage between Chekwubechi and Chijioke, one Charles Ekwuribe, is in Lagos State and away from all the drama, has succeeded in planting a spy for him and his friends and wants everybody to praise his handiwork. If my family needs a reform must a witch be brought to carry one with it. Witches practice Wicca and/or Voodoo. In common parlance, the former is a form of modern witchcraft that celebrates the god and the goddess while the latter is any sort of approach that employs magic and irrationality in problem solving and characterized by sorcery and spirit possession. That my ancestral village is Obekwesu (the devil's place) is no excuse for me to tolerate wily satanists whether in my family or outside. Full stop.

I don't understand why the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints remains the only church where white folks have stayed/remained in Nigeria or even Africa beyond a crusade's worth of stay. There must be reasons but I mustn't be part of the arrangement. While I can't tell anybody to divorce a troublesome spouse or chase away a malicious house girl, I must state the facts here where I've got the channel.

This isn't cross cultural conflict. This is terrorism. The visit to the police station last year only emboldened the beasts in the couple. The police at Abayi station in Abia State had turned my assault case into a Mormon reconciliation party because the IPO (investigating police officer) was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as the erring couple. I'm not interested in any of the parties and I have no sexual encounter with any of them. I have never made any sexual overtures to the house girl nor to Mrs Troublemaker aka Chekwubechi Richard Njoku. She has continued to wear her bum shorts around the house to her husband's joy and satisfaction and I don't care. The house has two toilets. Right now, they have two empty rooms where nobody sleeps in and have refused to move their mad house girl to their side where there's a bathroom and toilet and she labours to clean up. I don't understand this trend and I can only be sure that there must be an outcast in the midst of all this trouble making or the child cum house girl is a witch. I could hire a lawyer when I've got the money to spare but all is nothing but a racket in a perpetually corrupt country as Nigeria. Losing my job to this police case is only an indictment of the potency of bottom power and the shamelessness of the Nigerian civil society. Shame on whores! The child witch is still not 5 years old or 10 years old or even 15. She's now a married witch in somebody's family causing trouble. When Helen Ukpabio or her type plants a child witch in your house, do let me know.


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