Wednesday, July 7, 2021

GLOWS - The Global Women's Shelter

 ~ When life gives you lemons, make lemonade? Come make more with lemons at GLOWS

This is coming to terms with life's lemons, and doing more with them than making a you a lemonade. Family-life-work pattern puts a lot on the plate of many a woman. GLOWS allows every woman the to re-think it all and set all down, throw their head back and have a good laugh. It's a place to glow with light, hope, joy, happiness and good ambition. Come here and share worthwhile experiences, lessons and encouragement that others could benefit from.

So? Why not make more with life's lemons than lemonade? 

Culled from Pinterest

Many women remain in abusive homes because they have nowhere else to run to. It's evil that a woman is a source of agony, anguish and hatred to another woman. But the fact of life is that while there were witches known in many societies to cause harm, there were virtuous women who toiled away in building societies. Every woman has her down time. Every woman has her positive points. This isn't the time to settle scores. It's the time and place for healing and wholesome convalescence. I invite you to contribute to GLOWS in your own way. Those who have lived in developed countries know about destitute women and shelters. There are hardly any in developing countries especially in Africa in general and Nigeria in particular. 

Single working women hardly find a place to have decent accommodation without being called names. It is true that some women would rather live in brothels. GLOW Shelter is not for such women. However, there's need to accept women who need a place of rehabilitation and growth. GLOWS in time would provide accommodation to such people who want to rebuild their life and character.

Apart for physical accommodation for single women and battered/displace women, there are various aspects to GLOWS. These include:

  1. The Sanctuary: This is a non-denominational approach to spirituality, which borrows from the works and teachings of World Religions. It doesn't speak to any one faith even if it's going to speak to mostly Christian women.
  2. The Sanatorium: Emotional well being is essential to production. Every woman needs a place to unburden and recreate her world no matter how long she's been suffering.
  3. The Synergy: Energy is dispersed when it travels a long while without being replenished. Women need to work well and together in order to achieve excellent results. Those who like to work alone would find ways to channel their strengths from different channels to achieve their life's goals.
  4. The Senate: Every woman interested in politics and fulfilling her life calling in discovering a credible leader would use this opportunity to know how and whom to elect as a leader. Many times, women vote for men who don't help them and their lives. This opportunity would encourage women to discuss why many of them wouldn't vote for fellow women to elective offices. They would come to terms with themselves in whatever decision they have made. 

If you're interested in joining this movement, which is an offshoot of the Global Initiative in Defence of Women and Children, please send your interest to my number +2348034587466 or at to add you to the GLOWS whatsapp group and Google classroom. This endeavour is as global as we need it to be.

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