Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Money Buys (No) Justice in Nigeria

 ~ To know a Nigerian is to know a crook, if you aren't the one

~ No country runs where there aren't sane human beings

What do you do for a living? Many Nigerians have a kind of job that puts them on no payroll yet they make ends meet every day. They buy clothes, eat out at choice eateries, some even ride exotic cars yet they have no sound means of livelihood. They are trouble makers who work out of their cell phones, calling one another to foment trouble for a token and an 'alert.' It has become a day job. Some call it ministry, others call it prayer, while others view it as a sort of mysticism. It's even global with some foreigners and white people paying the trouble makers. I don't know what it is but it appears everybody is doing it even government workers consider it their main job. Many have put their salaries on fixed deposits and every day rely on this sort of money making for their daily upkeep. They can't afford to have their cell phones dead for an hour. They have generators to augment the epileptic power supply from the national grid. They also have solar panels in case the generators break down and when that's not enough they add the power banks just to ensure constant supply of battery power to their cell phones. These people are the bade of the Nigerian economy, sharing borrowed monies from foreign creditors. They are friends of politicians. Government establishments in Nigeria expect citizens to pay for government intervention. So, if you have government workers with offices where citizens pay to have them administer their mandates. What says those officers didn't plant the trouble makers in people's homes in order to get promotions and/or attention?

They are everywhere you go; they sabotage your progress in order to justify their existence and (ir)relevance. I've called them Network Service Providers (NSP) because they work in groups and have networked the whole country. Tinubu is going to use them come the next presidential election in 2023. I call them gossips because they are petty and are busy bodies. They are the spies in your families, the trouble makers of your life. They covet all you've got because they are testing the waters to determine your strength and backbone. These people affect and negate justice even in the courts. They subject people to blackmail because the lawyers and judges have friends and relatives who also have friends and relatives. And when they can't have their way with you, they resort to violence. Ever heard of the unknown gunmen saga in Nigeria? Even my brother assaulted me last year during the COVID-19 and I spent all my money on police routine visits and at the Abia State Teaching Hospital, Aba. The records including doctor's report are there.

Early today, I went to the Osisioma Ngwa local government area to report Chijioke Richard Njoku and his supposed wife Irene Chekwubechi to the environmental health officers where I was asked to pay N10,000 for mobilization fee. Since 2017, they've turned my backyard into a dump. They have all sorts of refuse in that place ranging from household trash such as empty bottles of all kinds, plastic, cans and other things from eateries. Where is the justice in this country? For reporting to the authorities I have to pay N10, 000 ($20). I haven't made my hair since 2016 in a decent way. I could have a nice hairdo and more for that amount. I don't even want to talk about my threadbare underwear. Not even my over due shop rent. Don't get me started on what I can do with N10, 000. I found out that for the same job, Aba South would charge N5, 000 for mobilization fee. Do I pay for the bad road in Osisioma? This what the road to my residence/house currently  looks like no thanks to Tunnel End and the Abia State Government:

I haven't been to Chicken Republic since it opened in Aba. Now, they are opening a new branch on the same road. Oh, not even Kilimanjaro have I visited not to talk of Pizza Jungle. Not even Cold Stone Creamery. I don't envy anybody's good luck in having marriage provide her some good dining out but must I have to be insulted with the trash? I had talked about the nuisance in my family compound in another post. I'm not a psychiatrist. I can't treat mad people. I'm not a prostitute/harlot and I can't live with one. I'm not a pagan, not a witch and not a sorceress. The mosquitoes from this menace have been so menacing that it's not understandable why anybody who does this dastardly act or supports it is sane. Unfortunately, the village where we live is called Umuara, which could be translated as Mad Children or Prostitutes. Perhaps it conveys another meaning but 'ara' is madness in Igbo language. But no indigenous person of this village has a backyard like what we have in my yard. And alas! I've been given till next month to quit a compound I scrimped and saved to help my equally inane mother provide for herself and my younger siblings. The mess makers contributed no kobo to the building and maintenance of the building. Now, the bully needs everybody to leave his 'house' for him and his 'wife' Why then should we, non indigenous persons allow or tolerate such menace? For more on this menace read this blog post. They do no waste management because they have nobody doing it for them. Even night soil men clean weekly. In the past, toilets were outhouses. Even their maids mess up my toilet and the big madam has been warned to stay off my turf. She has sponsors as terrorists also have sponsors. Do you sponsor terrorists. Do you buy them the injustice that swells up their heads?

The room next door is a dump when grown girls who bathe naked with each other are possibly making out at night. I just warned that I'll have them arrested if they bathe together again. I'm sure they'll call my bluff. It's not enough to turn my house into a haven for a runaway bride it's not going to be a lesbian hangout. Or some sort of brothel. I refuse to identify with the balderdash. Going to the police will cost another N10, 000 or more. I'm not talking about the transportation fee to my house to pick up the urchins. 

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