Friday, November 19, 2021

Common Temple Square Lingo - Terms, Jargon and Abbreviations

~ Temple Square Mission: Time Out for Witches, Sluts and Harlots?

Benefit of the Doubt, Coven, 
Companion, Nwoke Nkpa (ahu), Imperialism, Nwoke Houston, Authenticity, Contradiction, Elevator, Companion, Conflict, Stress, Flowers, Treason, Tour(ism), Time Out for Women, Utah, Isabella, Welfare Square, Humanitarian Center, Choir, Pride, Conspiracy, Loss, Corruption, Service, Indolence, Insolence, Gain, Harlotry, Hireling, Contractor, Seniority, Ignorance,  Interview, General Conference, Usury, Seniors, Friendship, Missionary Work, Missionary Position, Temple Square, Apostle, Prophet, Spying, Laxity, Pizza, America apologist, Cruelty, Laziness, Sabotage, OA, Mission Call, (Mission) Rules, Trauma, Make Up, Evil, Recklessness, Desseret Apartment, Saboteur, Sabotage, Mentor(ship), Extension, Privacy, Irregularity, Sugar daddy, Sugar mummy, Hypocrisy, PMS, Email, Marriage, C.S Lewis, Sacrament meeting, Congeniality, Treachery, Wickedness, Detail, Sunday School, School

Wrong Call, Same sex, Magic, Crime, Bully(ing), Harm, Suitability, Irritation, Mental Illness, Persecution, Foreign(er), Voodoo, Magic, Malpractice, Affiliation, Stalking, Predator, Intimidation, Irregularity, Volunteer(ing), Eloquence, Standard, Pilfering, Voluntary, Fairness, Citizenship, Asylum, Truth, Compliance, Boldness, Dialogue, Dishonesty, Disobedience, Greed, Beauty, Vice, DL, Visa, Oddity, Homosexuality, Villainy, Doctor, Prank, Factory, Nymphomaniac, Diligence, Charity, Equality, Retirement, Camp, Theft, Pioneer, Heritage, AP, Valuation, Impostor, Scandal, Skill, Seagull, Seminary, Obedience, Temerity, Vacation, Embellishment, Prophecy, Devil, Lucifer, Evidence, Staycation, Partiality, Evidence, Trickery, Sex (no sex took place on Temple Square as far as I'm concerned; I was celibate throughout the 18 month exercise and I thought others were too, right?), (Sex) Rehabilitation, Sex Cake, Bathroom, Beehive House, Brigham Young, BYU, SLC, Provo, Therapy, Free Masonry, Family, Laundry, Envy, Shopping, Entitlement, Libido, Pride, Gay, Lesbianism, Covetousness, Prejudice, DI, Complicity, Chastity, Complacency, Commission, Sister, Our Heritage?

(Personal/Family) History, Obnoxiousness, Second Fiddle, Contamination, Passing (Mixed Race), Wealth, Height, Nuisance, Ill-gotten, Racist, Reverence, Nudity, Satanism, Connection, Character, Folly, Affinity, Karma, Ambition, Trainer, Field, Nemesis, Censorship, First Vision, Damage Limitation, Harvest, Delusion, Radar, Surveillance, Gossip, Lounge, Ulterior Motive, Letter, Mail, Package, Assistant President, Appropriation, Mail Scrutiny, Elders, ZL, Sisters, Madness, Double Standard, Treason, GP, Appropriateness, Lasciviousness, Hard Work, Entitlement, Panic Button, Hard-working, Craziness, Paganism, Neo-paganism, Wannabe, Heathen, Flagpole, Keep Something Up One’s Sleeve, Misfit, Conference Centre, Gambit, Call Girl, Harlot, Heresy, Heretic, Achiever, Trouble Making, Jinx, Hypnosis, Commitment, Savagery, Crook, Subtlety, Libido, Ugliness

 Abstinence, Condom (I never heard of such on Temple Square), Hypocrisy, Bigotry, Sorcery, Nepotism, Structural Violence, Prejudice, Pride, Indolence, Insolence, Wickedness, Patronage, Indiscipline, Promiscuity, Gossip, Treachery, Greed, Dupery, Sluttery, Robbery, Cantankerousness, DA, Vandalism (I never heard of such on Temple Square, except bad sisters ate other people’s meals in their absence), Acrimony, Rice, Walmart, Groceries, Smith’s & Albertson's, Hospital, Companionship Study, Illiteracy, knowledge, Telecenter, Linkage, Gordon’s Place, Clique, Dairy Queen, Baskin-Robbins, ice cream, Subway, Olive Garden, Preparation Day, St. Patrick’s Day, 4th of July, MTC, AP, Zone Leader, District Leader, Office Assistant, Pearls, Umbrella, Coat, Ramp, Depression, Assembly Hall, Country, Nationality, Christus, Ship, Escalator, Vainglory, Stardom, Criminal, Offender, Referral, Investigation, Departure, Driver, Mixed Bag, Airport, Luggage, Bracelet, Certification, Bracken, LeBaron, Exchanges, Weekly Report, Disgust, Scripture Mastery, Duty Post, SVC

Punctuality, Callousness, NVC, Indulgence, Traitor, Enmity, Betrayer, Comfort Zone, Toilet Seat Cover, Peter-James-and John, Promise Ring, Bread Man, Kitchen, Zone Conference, Elohim, Temple Ordinance, Trauma, Evil, Rivalry, Prize, Strip Club, Rogue, Roguery, Politics, Induction, Secrets, Lunacy, Lunatic, Whistle blower, Early Warning, Early Morning, Impetus, Vulnerability, Suck Up, Aggression, Angst, Anguish, Anger, Felicity, Credibility, Incredibility, Inspection, Medication, Orientation, Non Disclosure, Secret Society, Language Meeting, Convenience, Christmas Lighting, Christmas, Pregnancy, Personal Aggrandizement, Stint, Estrangement, Pouch, Prostitution Ring, Pager, Phony, Pony Tail, Enjoyment, Gmail, Alias, Evil, Cabal, Pantyhose, Garment, Clique, Plot, Yahoo, Ploy, Hegemony, Sacrilege, Compliment, Connivance, Chinese Fried Rice, Chinese Tourist, Tourist, Yellow Stone, Grand Canyon, Shackle, Strings, Shame, Perversion, Cure, Waywardness, Recalcitrance, Purity

Warlock, Duress, Assumption, Imposition, Pointing Two Fingers, Wizardry, Nordstrom, Wet Seal, Nu Skin, Hug, Motivation, Fortune Cookies, Ex, Cronyism, Plea Bargain, Spell, Move, Witch, Blame Game, Stephanie, Forever 21, Infiltration, Nudity, Revelation, Manipulation, Revelation, Wizardry, Compatibility, Endowment, Prostitutes, Best-friend Grandfather, Best-friend, Sunday School, Old Men, Old Women, White Opportunists, Tape Recorder, Preach My Gospel, Telecenter Marathon, Angels and Demons (borrowing from Dan Brown, probably the most apt description of the human beings in the Temple Square Mission), Meanness, Donna, Thieves, Vaccines

Church Office Building, Checkmate, Criminal, Smile, North Gate, South Gate, Gloves, Escort, COB, Salt Lake, Lion House, Tour Guide, Fabric Softener, Flag, Statues, Missionary Guide, Floss(ing), Opportunities, Blackmail, Hacking, Computer, Hypocrites, Commitment, Kill the Pig, Highlights, Newbie, Eyeglasses, Parochialism, Departure, Permissiveness, Driver’s License, Mission Services, Commission, Attic, Family Search, Project, Human Experiment, Club Girl(s)

Special Tours (or Meet and Greet?), Illicitness, Polyandry?, Stewart, President, Betty Lou, Hearing Aid, Dentures, Mission President, Bait, Food, Kimchi, Sushi, Member(s), Gang, Letter to the President, Backpack, (Twenty) Dollars, GRE, Michigan, LDS Business, Nwankpa, Mistress, First Presidency, Tabernacle, Gift, Avarice, Escort Service, Harper, Gold Digger, Wig, Wicca, Clarissa, Doll, Pin Drop, Homesickness, Honey Phase, Judgment, Falsehood, Prima Facie, Permissiveness, Shaving, Waffles, Kelloggs, Cheerios, Cream Cheese, ‘I’m So Thankful,’ Pickles, Calling Card, Monitoring, Exercise, Jezebel, Garage

Arm Wringing, Alibi, MS, Games, Ignoramus, Alias, Desperado, Alice-in-Wonderland, Naivety, Trash, Trash Bag, LDS Business School, Devil-in-Detail, Moroni, Cut-Throat, Standing, Sandwich, Lunch, Dinner, Business, Fact Finding, Double Check, United Nations, Hide and Seek, Delegation, ATM, Sneakers, Vending Machine, Runaway Missionary, Crooked, Placebo, Predestination, Ensign, Fore-ordination, Guilt, Godmaker, Satanist, 143, Comforter, Quilt, Cooking, Extension(s), Good Samaritan, The Roof, Schemers, Restriction

Mischief Makers, Con Artist, Dupery, Tryst, Expedition, Cubicle, Locker, Telephone, Locker Room, Bridge, Relationship of Trust, Anarchy, Girls Just Wanna Have Fun(?), Big Love, Menace, Temple Recommend, Scapegoats, Sacred Cows, Courtesans, Wrong, For Call Girl(?), Break, Malice, Irresponsibility, Guile, A Party for Blind Girls(?), $136, Beauty Pageant, PDA, Decorum, Wickedness Never Was Happiness(?)

Good Shepherd, Photos, Sleaziness, EFY – Especially for Youth, Girls’ Camp, Godfatherism, David Eka, Devil Messenger, God’s Plan for Our Happiness, Lie Upon Lie, Pretense Upon Pretense, Making Out Under the Table, Robbins-Bond, Lay-about, Wedding Ceremonies, Stamina, Odyssey, Cooperative, 'Chancer,' Body Count, Weaknesses, Strengths, For the Strength of Youth. OYM, Selflessness, Hijackers, Approved, Not Approved, Closet, Out of the Closet? Pleasure Seekers, Hedonists, Painkillers, Paracetamol, Loan Repayment, $200, Special Witnesses of Christ, Special Witnesses of Crimes, Borrowed Life(style), Stolen Ways, Stolen Means, For a Wife Purpose, For a White Purpose, For a Wise Purpose, Campaign Managers, (No) Apartment Keys, Accessible Bedrooms, Celebration of Evil, Bottom Power, Gospel Principles

Food Poisoning, Rite Aid, Mystics, Mysticism, DUI, Driving Record, Granddaughter, Ignorance is Bliss, Lifeline, Surprises, Damned if You Do, Damned if You Don’t, Audacity, Temerity, Global Terrorism in the USA, Hiking, Skiing, Spoiling the Child, Skiers, Street Cameras, Colonialism, Genealogy, Name Tag, Killing Spree, Affiliations, Secrecy, Mormon Messenger, Anomaly (the one word that describes everything about the Temple Square Mission), Meddlers, Containment, Reading Other People’s Letters/Mail, Withholding Other People’s Letters/Mail, Tearing Up Letters, Time Out with the LeBarons, Time Out with the Brackens?, Roommates, Time Out with the Stewarts, Time Out with the Stones?, Too Much Commitment, Too Many Commitments, Devils Court, Joke Factory, Ruse, Hoax, ‘Fetch You,’ Utah Day, Parasites, After Mission Rules?, Harassment

 Relevance?, Inmates, Roommates or Inmates? Misconception, Misadventure, Judges, Nigerian Mission to the USA?, Meet and Greet, Prophetesses?, Temple Square Ventures, Never Swim in Shallow Waters, Great and Abominable People?, Adams, Rahab, How much did you decide on where to do a mission? How much did you decide with whom to do a mission?, Deterrents, Calling the Tune/Shots, Detergent, Smelly Piece of Trash, Stinker, Trash Bin, Nuisance Value, Deceiving the Very Elect, Reward for Evil, Divide and Rule, etc.

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