Wednesday, December 8, 2021

More Reflections of/on Temple Square Mission (2005-2007)

~ People Grow Up On Their Own Feet (Match Your Ambition with Your Strength/Capability)

~ Temple Square Mission: Trick or Treat?

Salt Lake City, Utah, 2006 with Abasa...

No Breathing Space, No Skills Learning, No Skills Learned, Never to be Corrected Darci Shumway?, Mission or Sit-at-Home?, Con Men, Con Men on the Square?, Quarry Tour, Uyo Mission?, Shackles, Nectar? Forget Yourself and Go to Work, Weekly Planner, Daily Planner, Invitations to Bid? Mormon Principles, Rat, Charlatans, Remand Home, Under Siege? Incubator, Incubation, Getting Even, Breaking Even, Flip Flops on the Square, The Contractors, Time Out for/Prostitution, By Their Fruits Ye Shall know them, After Mission Guidelines?, After Mission Standards?, Occupation, Chaperon, Unsolicited Advisors, Matchmakers, United Nations Women in Utah?, Desecration, Genie in a Bottle, Imposition, Grapevine People, Special Mission, Rackets, Temple Heaven, Temple Hell, Temple of Zeus?, Hermits, Crucifixion, Obsessions, Never to be Corrected Companions?, Never to be Corrected White Women? USA Expansion/Domination Program(me)?, Paying Pittance/Peanuts for Everything? Stipend for your Whole Life?

Correctional Center, Distinction, Drinking Fountains, SLC (Salt Lake Corruption), Church of Principles, Olu Ndi Ozi (Acts of the Apostles/Messengers), Olu Ndi Ohi (Acts of Thieves), Ozi Ndi Ozi (Messages of Messengers), Racketeers, Marriott (I’ve never been in one to the best of my knowledge), Food Storage, Mandate (to do what exactly?), Ada Adams?, Fertile Ground for Corruption, Gestation (the process by which an idea or a plan develops), Mission Corruption, Flirtations, Crying Repentance, Pantry, Especially for Women, Gratification, Robbery, Fountain, Panel, Inquisition, Prayer Stool, Reflections, Fertile Ground for Criminality?, Pointing One Finger (Korean Style), Sowing Seeds of Discord, Companionship or Rivalry?

Salt Lake City, Utah, 2006 with Enk.... 
Maté (from Argentina), New Name Occupation?, Preoccupation, Coup d’état, Snitches, Wedding Prostitutes/Harlots?, Recycle Bin, American Territories in Utah/SLC?, Optimism, Pessimism, Mission or Academy, Harbinger of Doom/Evil, Sister Priesthood Holders?, Cult Gathering, Collusions, Colluders, British Colonies in Utah/SLC?, Mobilization, French Colonies in Utah/SLC?, Temple Square Scandals, Lying for/with Joseph Smith?, Lying for/with Brigham Young?, Leeway, Crossroads, Quest for New Colonies?, The Oracles, The Oration, The Oratory, Huge Risk, Little Risk, Suicide?, Plan of Salvation?, Sweets and Savouries, Freedom to Steal?, Freedom to Lie?, Freedom to Do All Evil?

Agents of Darkness, Praying Mantises, Displaced Loyalty, A Hug is Cheap/Free Drug and has no Overdose?, Trouble Makers on the Square?, Game of Wits, Beasts of Prey?, Largess, Pimps or Presidents?, Something to Hide?, Vacuum Cleaner, Laws of Membership Entry, Sharing the Mormon Cake?, Sharing the Mormon Loot?, Staph is Free of Charge but Definitely Has an Overdose, T for Every Evil T Word in the World?, Taxi Drivers on the Square?, Trouble for One Human Being? Being a Difficult Human Being?, Mistress Training Center?, Gossip for Intelligence?, Friends of Temple Square Mission?, Plastic Surgery Reform, Sic Leave for Family Care?, Divorce Leave for Family? Not Equally Yoked, Life Volunteers?, Cookies, Buying Wedding Ring?, Partaking Sacrament, Poverty or Greed kills Blacks?, What kills Whites and Other Races?

Conning to Win?, Con Artist Training Ground?, Nighttime Meetings on the Square? Church or Voodoo Crusade? Gay Parade, Stealing from One Another?, Everybody Came to Do?, Single Mothers or Single Ladies?, Hardened Criminals?, Robbing Peter to Enslave Paul?, Strangers for Companions?, Sycophants, Lies for Posts?, Rules Meant for Children?, Tenacity for Repentance?, Bedtime Stories? Having Same Motives? Having Similar Motives? Uncles and Aunts?, Ndi Uncle?, Ndi Auntie?, Make a Wish?, Any Wish?, Witches and Wishes?, Visas and Passports, Feed Madness, Whoring for God?, Whoring God?, God on Temple Square?, God at Temple Square Mission?, Stolen Mandate, Lying Hard, God that Kept No Rule?, Men without Wives?, Men with Wives?, Madness Called Being White in the USA?, White Privilege, Church of Treachery?, Wayward Women?, Good by Principle?, Bad by Practice?, No Criticism is Allowed?, Not Allowed?, Allowed?, Who Decided?, Who Decides?, Different Rules for Different Folks?, Different Strokes for Different Folks?, No Change of Bad Companion?, No Education for Blacks?, All Blacks are Savages?, Ashewo Pays?, How Many Churches on Temple Square Mission?, Mormon Mary Magdalene?, No to No Thank You? 

Return(ed) with Honour?, Blood Sisters in Temple Square Mission?, Schoolmates in Temples Square Mission?, Email/Letter from Kirk to LeBaron – Aba Meets SLC?, Where Else But Utah are Mormons Found?, How Well Are Mormons Liked/Loved Elsewhere?, Mad People Who Must know One Another?, Temple Square Mission Threesome: Gossiping, Shaming & Chancing?, Birds of A Feather Flock Together?, Goats of a Herd Bleat Together?, What Methodology?, Without Methodology?, Dying to Convert the World to Wickedness?, Missionary Work or Missionary Relations?, Church or Madness?, Maternity Leave for Missionary Work?, Muslims or Missionaries?, 

On a Mission to Beguile Others?, Undeserved Privilege, RFID, Nonsense (replacement word for ‘anomaly’ as possible words to encapsulate Temple Square Mission. Nothing about the mission was normal or sensible as far as I’m concerned), Cooing from Box Mixes, Temple Traitors, Temple Spies, How Long the Devil Remains a Liar, Preconceived Mission Destination, Preconceived Mission Outcome, Premeditated Mission Companions, Unfair Access to Missionaries’ Families, Taking Pictures/Photos or Scheming Pictures/Photos, Leisure to Carry on as Before?, Intelligence to Use Others?, Leisure to Abuse Others?, Extended Vacation?, Anything for Flattery?, Animals with Down’s Syndrome?, Runaway Wives?, Outlaw Mission, Access to (What) Prophets’ Wives?, Animals on Heat?, Total Consecration for Blacks?, Total Consecration to Blacks?, Spread, LDS Church Global Spread Showcase, One Man’s Meat?, Another Man’s Poison?, One Woman’s Meat?, Another Woman’s Poison?, Trainer’s Bully Show?, Paranoia Square?, Wheelchair to the Rescue. No End to Mental Illness?, Vindictive Whores?

Breaking Protocol, Families Must Be Together Forever?, Never Volunteered to Become a Guinea Pig, Ethics, Missionary Ethics, Lucrative Mission? Lol., What’s Up in the Attic, Doing What?, Allergies, Using One Missionary to Categorize Others, Okija Church in the USA?, Campaign for Traitors and Harlots?, Turning Families Traitor?, Hacking Missionaries? Campaign for Harlots?, Lying for/to the Devil, Temple of Divorce, Opportunity/Opportunism to Re-colonize Africa?, Chance to Kill the World?, Hounding, Beguiling Contest, Preparatory to COVID-19?, The Devil Beguiled You/Me?, No Forewarning, Many are Called But Few Are Chosen?, Church of Cain, Cultural Incompatibility, Pornography Addiction?, Pornography Addicts?, Pedophile Square?, Adult Pedophilia?, Never Curtailing Evil and Excesses?, Destroyer or Equalizer?, Dubious Exercise, Penalty as Mandate? Called to Be Served?, Unethical Utah?, Sent on Purpose, Moral Bankruptcy, Stipend Never to Be Spent on Toiletries?, Mission to Put a Dent on One’s Life?, Thieving Missionaries

Usury – Slavery – Limitation – Conspiracy – Treachery – Spying Mission as Utah Salt Lae City Temple Square Mission, Mission or Asylum, Preachers for Politicians, Politicians for Preachers, All False Witnesses, Witches as Missionaries, Mormons or Catholics, Mormons or Presbyterian?, Assembly of Pagans, Never Volunteered To Be A Guinea Pig, Church or Sty, Baring Up the Wrong Tree, Anini’s Business Called Missionary Business, Inviting Mad Women to Temple Square Mission to Moc/Cure Other Missionaries, Making Friends or Meeting Future Clientele? Believers of Heresy, Mission or Hate Square?, As the Greed Directs?, Flip Flop/Slippers Missionary Hopping Around the Square (Did She Come to Spread the Staph?), Framing One Another, Evil Profiling, Limited Edition Missionaries?, Teaching the Truth?, Shaming the Truth?, Rote Players?, Role Players?

Quackery as Gospel?, Quackery City?, Equal Footing for All?, Teaching Foreigners How to Use the Rice Cooker?, Teaching Foreigners How to Coo Boxed Foods carrying Instructions? Rarely Cooing from Scratch?, Sympathy for Thieves?, Temple of Solomon?, Women of Solomon? Rationalizing Sin?, Temple of Sorcery, Gateway to Riches?, Gateway to Wealth?, Harrowing Experiences, Intercepting Other People’s Letters for Personal Use, Cost You Something Dire, Magnificence (a description of the structures on Temple Square, the Conference Centre especially), Ambassadors/Advocates of Global Need for Harlotry? Was knowing Ajayi a Limitation?, Shylocks of the West?, Church of Slavery, Church of Usury, Baby Mama Compensation Cabal?, Dons of Madness, Garments of Bondage?, Garments as Necessary Underwear? Garments as Missionary Underwear?, Consecration Before Missionary Work as a Trap, Hoodwinked to do Missionary Work through Patriarchal Blessing?, Religion of Fallacy, Accommodating Nuisance, Special Interest in Destroying People Because of Complaints?, Living for Complaints?, Aba Treachery, Ibadan Treachery, Greed for Members of Other Churches? TSM: Mission or Franchise?, Hoodwinked Missionaries?, Sin of Envy and Wickedness, A Pagan god Named Obasi?, Providential Gods? Temple Evil?, Temple Sorcery

Church of Yahoo Yahoo, Email Fraudsters, Robbins Reading Obasi’s Email to Boyfriend, Lord of the Ring(s)- (probably Bracken’s Job), Framing to Steal from One Another, Foreign Value from Other Countries/Nations, Out of State Value, Missionary or Motor Park Tout, Was I the Only Nigerian Calling Out of the Telecenter?, Who Called Out of the Telecenter? Udo Calling Her Sister in Port Harcourt Weekly?, What Do Witches Look lie?, What Do Bitches Look Like?, Who’s the Lord to Be Consecrated to?, Sneaking in Greek Paganism on Missionaries?  A Gathering of Liars?, Dogma, Church of Sex Addicts?, Lying About Being Accused of Having Sex with Old Grandfathers? Lying about Having Sex with Old Grandfathers as Senior Missionaries?, Blacks and the Priesthood, 'Black 'mailers?', 'Blackmalers?', Priestcraft?, Is No Sex on a Mission A Crime?, Is No Sex on a Mission a Sin?, Houston, Texas Mission, etc.

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