Saturday, November 12, 2022

Mbaise Must Go! 5 Reasons Why

 ~ The country of serpents, feral cats and stray dogs, maybe there are good Mbaise as there are bad Mbaise. But Mbaise Must Go!

It is often said that when you see a snake and an Mbaise (five clans) person that you should first kill the Mbaise before you kill the snake. This is of course offensive to anybody from Mbaise. They would say that to non-native to tell what you thought of them. Over the years, I’ve had encounters with natives of this place in Igboland, Imo State, south-east, Nigeria. Some of them were pleasant ones while most of them often left me wondering if I was transacting with a fellow human being. While you have a darling from Mbaise and can’t fathom why I’m writing this post, let me give you five reasons why Mbaise Must Go. Yes, natives of Mbaise must return to their homesteads and leave other people alone. They aren’t deprived of anything that belongs to them but they must take some if not all that belongs to you. I think that it should be so important that all they need be given to them including an airport. Let them fly into and out of Mbaise (five clans) for any social or political contract or engagement with other parts of the country. The five (5) reasons to move natives of Mbaise to their homestead are local, national and even international/global. They include:

1. Mbaise people are greedy, malicious and parasitic predators. They stalk their prey for years without you being in the know that they are aware of you or known to them like predators in the wild do for hours. Everything about other people offends them. They enjoy sadism. Be wary when they are your driver because they can be suicide drivers, as there are suicide bombers. An accident that killed eight people including six women their way to a marriage ceremony in Enugu, Nigeria involved an Mbaise driver who allegedly refused to kill a cow crossing the expressway. That incident of September 24 was as a result of open grazing of cattle and a recalcitrant Mbaise who was possibly afraid of having to buy back a cow. They come to you begging for attention and/or assistance and often leave you bragging to other people that they made away with all of your savings and life fortune. Many of their women do these to their boyfriends. They often leave men penniless. They enjoin fraud, 419, etc. I don’t much about their involvement with kidnapping. I was roommates with a married Mbaise woman on Hyde Park Avenue in Boston, Massachusetts. A Nigerian man from Abiriba in Abia State, one Mr. Roy Ude, introduced me to the landlord, a Yoruba man, Mr. Oyedele. When I was shown a tiny room as a student of UMass Boston, I checked it to find that the woman had left some of her belongings it. I asked her to remove them but she asked me to wait. I insisted on her removing them immediately, which she did reluctantly. She was living in the largest room of the three room apartment. She and her Obowo husband paid $500 per month for their room that was the largest. Our roommate paid $500 for his and I paid $400 for mine because it was really small. The rent included utilities. Yet she was angry that I paid the least despite the fact that theirs was the largest and there were two of them who used the facilities. She cooked most of all of us. She would cook and bake chicken dearly every other week burning up gas which our Yoruba landlord complained about. She thought I should pay more rent to make him comfortable. I wasn’t sure how much they paid as I never saw her receipt but I was told that they and the other guy paid the same rent. Why would she concern herself with my rent? She was childless and was so before I arrived on the scene. This is just one instance. My mail wasn’t kept for me many times including my project from the Program in Women in Politics and Public Policy in 2008, which I was told was sent in the mail. It was possible that Ukachi Rowland wasn’t even her real name. They probably engaged in fraudulent activities in Boston. I don’t know her or the whereabouts of others from Boston. Beware of mad people many of them are Mbaise. When I asked for missing my mail, Mr James Oyedele, our landlord had no answer for me. It was possible that there was a conspiracy against me that started as soon as I moved into the Hyde Park apartment. Beware of Bottom Power. Mbaise no dey carry last. She had no hand in my upkeep in Boston as I paid my rent singlehanded from the wages I got from work. She worked as a certified nurse assistant (CNA) in Boston hospitals. The only help I got from her was using a telephone belonging to her and the partner when I hadn’t a cell phone. I never used it when I got mine but I had connected her to people known to me in Allen/Dallas, Texas and Massachusetts. They used her to stalk me in retrospect. Theresa Agbugui borrowed my cell phone in Ibadan during the NYSC. It wasn’t a big problem to her but to me. I didn’t sleep with any of my male roommates as odd as that would sound. I would only be called racist or lesbian. Yet I didn’t sleep with the woman or other women as I didn’t with any of my companions on Temple Square in Salt Lake City, USA while I served a mission. I had thirteen female companions in about eighteen months. Nor at Ovom Girls’ High School nor at the University of Ibadan, both in Idia and Queen’s Halls. I don’t sleep with women and I have a string of such women lesbian partner wannabe who are as stupid as they are mad feeling shamed by me. What is Christianity? A sham and a waste of my time? God forbid. I’ve resolved not to be in close proximity with nymphomaniacs. Haba. While they are prosperous, they have left you without your own means of livelihood.

2. Mbaise people are conspiratorial hypocrites and bigots. The Golden Rule doesn’t apply to them. Everything you do is a contest with them. They contend you for every achievement of yours. They are big with this stalking business they term networking or EKPERE in Igbo language. They are in every part of the country because of their greed in having children. They know somebody in every crack of your village. They plant spies long in your life long before you even encounter them. Who lives with a serpent? They are nearly in every brothel of the world, seeking information to what end I don’t know yet they never see themselves as harlots or prostitutes. It is possible that they are used by gangs, warlords, and such criminal elements but they are often good at making themselves available for such nefarious acts. They are in every higher institution. They were at the University of Ibadan, my alma mater, some of them willing to attend lectures and be relevant to that community. Yet they would like to reap the rewards of your own hard work just because they also came. They haven’t even been governor in Imo State without contest possibly from their own doing. They brag about their prowess and networks. They work in syndicates always stealing other people’s show. They never let up and must concern themselves with other people interests and business. One in my family observed her mission in Accra, Ghana but died that she didn’t do it in Salt Lake City, Utah like I did. They are very hateful and covetous bigots. Once they get what they thought you were enjoying, it becomes nothing to them. And they are off to disrespect yet another person or entity. Some of them jump from one church to another seeking to learn their secrets and shame their members.

3. Mbaise natives are chronic, malevolent and vain liars. Even pathological liars are found among them. They tell their truth, which is hardly the truth. They engage in all sorts of activities that would destroy them so lying is their anthem. They have to live to destroy others. They lie their way to the top. I can’t believe why they have even devised to plant dentures in the mouth as an alibi for their ‘liebility’ which is quite high. They tell mostly malevolent lies, which include mysterious and malicious ones. They compliments are hardly sincere making them ambivalent and magnificent liars. I’ve dated an Mbaise man. In May, 2008 I attended a party organized in Weymouth or so Massachusetts for one Madam Ogbegbor who passed in Nigeria. I attended the event only known to the Ogbegbor and Nnah families that invited me. In June, 2008, I travelled to Utah to visit with an acquaintance only to be called by Mr. Richard Ogbegbor. He called me to say that one Eze Uzoegbu, a friend of his and a taxi driver, met me at his house during the party and needed to gain acquaintanceship with me. I told him to wait until I arrived back in Boston. Upon my return I became acquainted with Mr. Uzoegbu. He turned out to be a married man who was separated from his spouse one Njideka Obi. I asked him the health of the relationship, that is, if they were going to get back together. He said that the marriage had hit the rocks and was actually done for his green card. We became close and have remained even since our separation distant acquaintances and contacts. He helped me with my studentship with papers for my documentation. He provided what in lay terms is called a guarantor but gave no money to me to finance my education to the best of my knowledge. He provided a copy of his green card to the UMass Boston international students’ affairs department. He would later tell me that the green card had gone missing. There had been another woman in his apartment. He had introduced me to a former girlfriend one Haynes Morrison, who passed the night or so he made me believe. We weren’t going out at the time but he would often travel to Nigeria and bring things to my family mostly mother and younger siblings. It’s not uncommon for people to quarrel. But lies told maliciously or with the intent to defraud another are the lot of those who encounter many an Mbaise person. He initiated my driving lessons with someone else’s car. I got a driving school to teach me some driving. They offer help to other people but hardly with their own property.  While Eze Uzoegbu was exceptional, he was still Mbaise. He told me that one Onyinye who was also an undergraduate of the UMass Boston and from Enugu State was a cousin of his. I wouldn’t know how cousins could be from different states except that a marriage brought it to be. He didn’t tell me of that marriage. He’s not my boyfriend and I haven’t seen him since I returned to Nigeria from the United States in 2011. In 2015, he sent me a gift of N20,000 meant as $100 when the dollar was N250/$ through one Chinwendu whom I believed was his sister-in-law. I was going to buy a small generator with that money but it never was because the price changed between request and receipt of the monetary gift. He has a brother, Chimezie, in Aba and it’s possible that he’s holed up here hiding and seeking as an Mbaise is wont to do in their predatory lifestyle. They embellish the truth because lies pay the bills.

4. Mbaise natives are cunning wolves in sheep’s clothing. You are going to find them everywhere you go. They are going to use you, your life, interests and career for their selfish interests without intimating you of their plan or involving you. They think of stratagem as strategy often turning others into preys, victims or enemies. They view opportunism as their opportunity. They are a mercenary than a missionary when they engage in missionary work because of their indiscipline. They don’t know the difference between your name and their own name. Every name is important as long as it fetches any dividend. Beware of Mbaise. You don’t marry because they are married. Because of their peculiar needs that others of other cultures must heed or respect, Mbaise must return and live ONLY in MBAISE! They don’t live and let live. ARE THEY EVEN IGBO? They do not have their own name but they’ve come to learn your own and use it whenever they need because they are game seekers. I came to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to find one Obinna family from Mbaise that claimed that their father saw a vision of the Book of Mormon with an address or something of such. He allegedly wrote to Salt Lake City, Utah to find out about that church and that brought the Mormon Church or the LDS Church to Nigeria in the 70s. That story is as true as it’s preposterous; as Joseph Smith saw a vision of God and Jesus Christ and translated a supposed missing manuscript, which he claimed were gold plates. Believe it at your own risk. They often act that they were given a present than a faith to keep if found useful with their undertaking with the LDS Church. They are career Mormons and Christians everywhere they are. Nobody not even my mother told me to beware of serpents that cloak as church members. Many Mbaise would make a career of what they think has benefited you. The LDS Church sent me to the USA; does the Obinna family think that they brought the church that sent me to the USA? And what about it? They have a relative over there. Is that not enough? Or is the LDS Church the only channel to the USA? Chei! Despite all my frozen toes and bloated frame on Temple Square, I’m still to be grateful to the Mbaise clan for bringing racism to me in the name of a church? Mbanu! Mbaise Must Go! Everything of life mustn’t favour them all the time. They are in the police and armed forces. Cases brought against them are often dead on arrival. They work hard through syndicates to foment trouble and get away with it. My family finds them people to mingle among even against my advice. A sister married an Mbaise man in 2016. And a brother married an Mbaise woman in 2017. Mbaise marriages possibly planted to please the Mbaise people in my life from Ibadan, Boston or elsewhere and aid their spying of my life endeavours. The sister’s marriage has hit the rocks and the brother’s marriage has been a source of pain to the family since 2017. She left a heap of refuse in my backyard including soiled diapers since 2017. I don’t understand the reason for that except for their insistence on inheriting a house they contributed no money to construct. They make a show of their wealth yet they have refused to move out or stop harassing, obstructing, vandalizing or assaulting me and other members of my family. My sister sent in a school application to the USA and the sister-in-law who shared her middle name allegedly duplicated the application to cause confusion and commotion abroad and in the family. While she was coming she tried to deceive my folks into believing her to be a good Mormon girl. But I saw through her façade and make-believe and warned them. They refused to see through my lenses and went on to marry her. I reported them to the village paramount leader in December 2017 when my mother’s son assaulted me for challenging his right to marry a witch on a witch hunt. She incites the husband against every member of my family, walks around the house in bum shorts and garments (Mormon temple underwear) and lies about her achievements. It was probably a job she got than a marriage. She came with nothing to my family house except her clothing yet she has taken over our living room, kitchen, bathtub and toilet, television and other household items. The police in Osisioma, Abia State, have been handling my case with them with cuddle gloves since 2015. They use washing machine that they didn’t buy and even an antenna pole that I bought myself from Ariria stands by their window. They have brought in eight strange girls into our house and mandated their use of my toilet all in the name of being married. They would be the fake police that are actually armed robbers because they are power mongers. They play on nuances. They are happy to abuse privilege. They are braggart and often get away with it because they work in syndicates that use networking. Do they engage in drug trafficking? It’s always their way or the high way even with your own property.  When they give you one naira, they bring one of their own to eat all the millions that you would have made from it. They are the modern archetype of Shylock, the merchant of Venice, always spoiling for their pound of flesh. They open your locked door and remove or bring in personal effects that they tell you nothing about. I wonder how many of them have gone to jail and are known to the general public. You only hear of jailbreaks in Imo State. Nobody knows who was inside the prisons and who masterminded the breaks. When it comes to sex with them, it’s damned if you do or damned if you don’t. You better shame their nymphomania and promiscuity. 

5. Mbaise natives are cantankerous enemies of progress. You would often laugh at their pranks when you aren’t the target until you too become a casualty of their wickedness. If you are a person of means beware of Mbaise. They, like birds, flock together. They start fights in order to make you an enemy. They spread the word. And you become enemy to everyone else. They are a canker; they spread hate, lies, malice and witchcraft everywhere they go. They love to be the centre of attention and when they aren’t they spoil the show. They are at the head of most private schools in Abia State. I wonder what public-private partnership the governor Okezie Ikpeazu entered with them. His predecessor T.A Orji had asked non indigenous persons in Abia State to leave the public service. Many of them use fictitious names to get multiple streams of income from government allocation. They are survivors like every Igbo society but must they survive at the detriment of public and private sanity and decency? I wasn’t raised to be a criminal and I don’t know why Ngwa people cover for them, their Achilles heel. 

I have enumerated five reasons why Mbaise can’t be your neighbor or in your neigbourhood. Send them packing. Mbaise must find home and peace in Mbaise. Nku no na mba na-eghere mba nri. They have their own resources. They brag about their wealth. They can liquidate their resources and go home to Mbaise. One thousand professors of Mbaiseland can teach them in a university of their own design. They don’t need the outsider yet they won’t go anywhere near Mbaise to find greener pastures and fend for themselves. They are everywhere there’s industry but they are there to plant the tares among the wheat. They plant their impostors in order to make money for their selfish designs. I’m writing a joker or the truth that will set things right in Igboland. Mbaise Must Go as they have refused to call their wayward children to order. 

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