Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Complaint About The Abysmal and Rogue Recruitment Pattern in Nigerian Private Schools Especially in Abia State


Hello, everybody. No long time no read? I have been away trying my best to swim across all the stormy waters of Nigeria viz the cashless policy troubles, the elections and now a static economy. But my people have a saying that when there's life there's hope, right? Anyway.... Recently, exactly last year, I got on the TRCN train and decided to get a license to become a certified teacher. I got around to getting a certificate this year and I've been itching to get a job. I had tried getting one in the last decade or so, here and there. I usually quit my jobs because of some of the things I'm going to talk about. But for the sake of time, let me list them here, the twin, triplet and quadruplet manifestations of corruption in recruitment done by private schools in my home state of Abia State and by extension other parts of Nigeria.

  1. Opportunism/Avarice
  2. Ineptitude/Mediocrity/Trickery
  3. Witch Hunt/Disrespect/Acrimony
  4. Fraud/Certificate Racketeering and Gathering
  5. Bottom Power/Promiscuity
  6. Patronage/Piper and the Patron
  7. Lack of Transparent Regulation/Maladministration
  8. Show Business/Pageantry
  9. Coven Culture/Heathenism/Heathenry/Primordial Attachments
  10. Herd Syndrome/Nepotism

Details later...this update somehow coincides with Halloween.... How do I win?

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