Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Ifeoma (Enekwechi) & 1: finding a job in Nigeria is not easy oh


urisbest: Still here when you are ready

kerenme: ok

kerenme: did u study on schorlarship?

urisbest: No

urisbest: I had some financial aid

urisbest: in the way research assistantship 

urisbest: then I used loans and savings

kerenme: pls explain simpler for me ok thanks

urisbest: when i applied for school

urisbest: I asked them if there were any kind of financial help available to foreigners

urisbest: they told me they can help me pay for a quarter of my fees in exchange for 5 hrs per week of work

urisbest: that's the financial aid

urisbest: then I borrowed money to pay part of it and used my savings to pay the rest

kerenme: oh ok

urisbest: It costs about $35,000 to go to school here every yeear

urisbest: some places are cheaper than boston

kerenme: babe i desperately need to do my masters otherwise no growth for me here

kerenme: my office recognises qualification so much

urisbest: yes 

urisbest: but you can get it from Nigeria part time

urisbest: but of course you can come to the US and return to your work after your studies

kerenme: nigeria cert rubbish now

urisbest: abi

kerenme: so what are u cooking?

urisbest: vegetable soup

urisbest: dry ugu

urisbest: i know you guys enjoy the fresh ones

kerenme: yeah girl

kerenme: real fresh

urisbest: na so na

urisbest: we eat the dried ones here

urisbest: dry like okporoko

kerenme: sory oooo

kerenme: my dear 

urisbest: lol

urisbest: it's OK

kerenme: fresh okro really tastes good

urisbest: it has its own goodies

urisbest: it does 

urisbest: we have frozen ones that can pass for fresh here

urisbest: actually we do have fresh ones from Mexicans

urisbest: sometimes some of our dishes taste alike

kerenme: ok

kerenme: so whats ur advice on the masters thing..i have one school in uk almost calling me everyday

urisbest: It depends on where you want to go

kerenme: the way they are calling me im wondering if they are real

urisbest: UK is good 

urisbest: many of my friends are students there

kerenme: but hard to make money abi?

urisbest: hard to make money in the UK?

kerenme: as i work and school same time

urisbest: I think you can do that anywhere

urisbest: in the US too except you can only work on campus for only 20 hours a day

kerenme: 20hrs a day?

kerenme: is that not alot

urisbest: hahahaha

kerenme: lol

kerenme: whats funny dear

kerenme: when do u have time to study?

urisbest: it's not a lot when you think of the bills you have to pay

kerenme: abi?

urisbest: yeah

urisbest: it depends on the city too

urisbest: boston is the third most expensive city in the us

urisbest: other places may be cheaper

kerenme: ok

kerenme: i was even thinking of online

kerenme: study

urisbest: There is a program offered by one of my departments

urisbest: it's on politics and public policy but cheaper than a master's degree

urisbest: It's $1335 per course

urisbest: and you need to take 6 courses to graduate

kerenme: i want to do anything that has to do with sales and management

urisbest: so with $1.2 million you can do that

urisbest: but it's not management

urisbest: 1.2million naira

kerenme: ok

kerenme: i wanted to faint

kerenme: when u sad 1.2million dollars

urisbest: lol

kerenme: what do u think about online study

urisbest: I haven't done it before so I can't tell

urisbest: but it's a common way of going to school here

urisbest: some people take all their courses online

kerenme: im thinking of doin that

kerenme: leaving my job now 4 study abroad is risky

urisbest: it's a good idea

urisbest: yes you don't want to risk it

urisbest: it may not be there when  you come back

urisbest: did u talk to anyone on my behalf

urisbest: are u guys still hiring?

kerenme: my dear my ad

kerenme: sorry my HR said not now

kerenme: that some audit will go on first

kerenme: some people are defrauding 

kerenme: i really dont know jire

urisbest: OK

urisbest: I' still hopeful

kerenme: he said there will definitely be changes but that is subject to our chairman's time and decision

urisbest: OK

urisbest: I guess I would have to wait and see

kerenme: but still spread ur net oo

urisbest: of course my dear

urisbest: I'm even thinking of starting a business ehen I return

urisbest: something to do with hair

urisbest: do women wax their eyebrows in Lagos?

kerenme: yep

kerenme: but depends on the area

kerenme: some areas in lagos cannot afford it

urisbest: what areas do you think might be good for it

urisbest: the hairstyle I will be introducing is also expensive

urisbest: might cost up to #50,000 to start 

kerenme: 50,000 for the weave on?

urisbest: no it's like locks except very micro

kerenme: ok

kerenme: 50k

urisbest: well it takes over ten hours to install it

urisbest: sometimes it can take the whole day

urisbest: are u at home?

kerenme: still in the office

urisbest: Ok

urisbest: because u usually leave at 4;30pm

kerenme: yea

kerenme: im waiting for the traffic to lessen heard its mad out there

urisbest: OK

urisbest: Do you take bus or taxi?

kerenme: usually go with my colleague

urisbest: Ok

urisbest: that works better

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