Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Are Simeon and Mable Nnah the latter-day Ananias and Sapphira?

~ Stating facts, shaming bigots.

 On 12th July, 2021, it was exactly 10 years that I sent a key to Mr Simeon Nnah of Needham, Massachusetts to aid recovering my belongings from Public Storage, Mattapan. It would interest me to learn why it was a difficult thing to return my belongings to me. It wasn't supposed to be easy and for many years I waited for my belongings especially my unmarked books from Mr Nnah. 

This was before the recent demise of his brother whom I had met only a few times. I chanced on Mr and Mrs Nnah after an introduction from one Mr Peter Obijiaku in Massachusetts. Mr Obijiaku and I met on the campus of the University of Massachusetts Boston in September or so, 2007. After an enquiry and introduction I began to speak with him. In recounting my ordeal in Boston, he promised to see how to help. A few days later he would tell me that a colleague of his could be help if he asked for her permission. He took me to her home in Needham and I met with Mrs Mabel Nnah for the first time. Her husband, Mr Simeon Nnah was away on a trip to Nigeria. She promised to help if she and her husband agreed upon his return. Just as I almost forgot about them, while living in Dorchester, Mr Nnah and his wife drove to pick me up from my current abode. 

According to him, Mr Nnah had just returned from Nigeria on that very day and on hearing about me from his wife came to get me from Dorchester. I had taken the bus and the train to school from where I squatted in Dorchester. I was meant to have picked up accommodation in the building but I was short on cash and didn't really like the apartment. But it was my first place to live in Boston until I met Mr Obijiaku and eventually Mr and Mrs Simeon Nnah. When I left the men (Sylvanus and Isaac) in Dorchester, I didn't bargain how hard it was going to be to commute to UMass Boston from Needham. Again, I had attended evening school, which made night travel very inevitable. As a newbie, I wasn't comfortable with that arrangement. Whenever I missed the commuter rail, I would have to walk home very late sometimes past 11 pm. I had all that to think about while I couldn't drive (I hadn't learnt to drive at the time). Mr and Mrs Nnah talked about a N35, 000 debt they incurred from his botched trip to Nigeria. Perhaps the business didn't work out as desired. There were a lot of family secrets that I would have to be on to and I thought that was too much for me to partake.

I believed Mrs Nnah was very useful to me but I didn't like that I was being profiled for her family. In no time, she told me of her interest in a marriage between me and her son. I didn't think that was appropriate as it would take an interest from her son to make it a topic to discuss. But she felt it was up to her to make it work. Her son was unfeeling, disinterested and was dating another woman one Adaobi Okereke. She, Adaobi, was possibly known to Mr Peter Obijiaku who hailed from Orlu as Adaobi. Many of us were Igbo. I didn't think it a problem for Mrs Nnah to suggest the idea to her son but would take his reply for what it was. This wasn't the case and I became a pawn. The son, IK, didn't quit take a liking to me and I didn't really care. He wasn't my type of man either. And it seemed that the USA was closing in on my choices of men. IK was madly hitched to Adaobi, using her car and her company to his satisfaction. I didn't like what I was learning from my short stay in the family. A soiled relationship with the first son over his own wife's insolence was still hovering over the family. She too like Adaobi and Obijiaku was from Orlu, Imo State. She had called Mrs Mabel Nnah a WITCH for wanting to control her wedding or marriage. Wow! I thought that was rather obnoxious of a daughter-in-law to be so insolent. But in retrospect, I wish I had been wiser. To check for witchcraft, try these three tests. Witches cause/do harm, distort facts and figures and cause disruptions. To read more, click here. I had to worry about being around while they quarreled over Mabel's unpaid student loan and LDS Church tithing. It was an earful and I thought I didn't want any more of Mr Nnah's rude commentary too. They were nice but not very useful or kind, coming across as usurers. He made it clear that he wasn't willing to take pains for anybody other than his family. Why then should I remain with them in Needham?

I didn't marry Mr IK Nnah. Ms Adaobi did. I didn't have any body with me to have sponsored a wedding. I didn't have a green card to have gone working, scrimping and saving. I didn't own a flashy car to have kept a man. Why would anybody be interested in marrying me, a runaway self starter. I left Nigeria in September, 2007 with borrowed funds even for my flight. I flew Turkish Airlines. I was willing to be realistic. However, I didn't think it anybody's job to make a slave of me. It wasn't in my character to enslave anybody either. So, when it was time to change my status to that of being a student, I did due diligence. Mr Nnah lent me $400 and asked his younger brother, a butcher in Nigeria, to receive the equivalent from my mother. She travelled to Ogbor Hill and gave the money to him. On confirming the receipt, Mr Nnah gave the $400 to me and I paid $300 to the Department of Homeland Security. That would be all the money he gave me in the United States of America and would have been all except for at the Aba Nigeria Temple Complex in 2015. He gave me a gift of N4, 000 to make my hair to my chagrin in front of his late brother. I didn't want the money but he insisted and asked me to come in on my way from town to pick up the money. He had come visiting with his daughter Ms Sarah Nnah (who's now married, I guess to one Otuonye) and the money was given to me, asking me to take off my dreadlocks. I didn't take them off but I eventually did when I couldn't really manage them. Has this man died to kill all evidence of business transactions done with him as a witness? I wouldn't know. Is it all a hoax? Did he truly die? Mormons have a way of making a mountain out of every mole hill involving me. Too bad. Everywhere can't be in the Rocky Mountains. Giving people things to talk about shouldn't withhold my own living.

This was in 2015. Governor Okezie Ikpeazu had just worn his first tenure. Mr Nnah had come visiting Nigeria with his daughter Sarah and paid the governor-elect a congratulatory visit. He told me that he shared a book by former US President Reagan with the Dr Ikpeazu. I didn't ever see him again until 2017. While at the complex, he assured me that he was likely to send my boxes of textbooks in a shipment in October, 2015. I am yet to see those books. Even in 2017 when they came to serve an LDS Church mission, Mrs Nnah insisted that I come into the LDS Aba Nigeria Temple Complex to visit with them. Since my relationship with them was strained at this time, I refused to go near those traitors. However, I assured them that I was willing to meet up anywhere else outside the that complex. They refused to heed my suggestion. When they did agree on September 9, 2017 I got only a few of my belongings minus the books and other valuables. Mrs Nnah claimed the husband didn't see my books. And I was aghast. He assured me that he had those books packed for me. But he was furious and said that anybody who was eager to embarrass him could be shot. Why? I had no idea. They refused to be transparent or exhibit integrity in sharing information about whatever happened to them and my belongings. 

This incident was akin to Acts 5:1-11 when a couple conspired to look wise. I wouldn't know what the problem is with my travel to the US. Was it up to a family that got grace to shame me? Witchcraft is trying to look good while being vile.

*To be continued.....

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