Friday, July 30, 2021

Are Simeon and Mable Nnah the latter-day Ananias and Sapphira? 21 Notes to Ponder

 ~ Osimiri anaghi eri onye na o hughi ukwu ya. /The sea drowned nobody who never ventured its way./

Ananias & Sapphira....

Why have I called Mr and Mrs Nnah vile and wicked, and modern-day Shylock? Here are my reasons:

  1. Mrs Mabel Nnah turned me a personal enemy of her son and his fiancee, Ms Adaobi Okereke, because I came to stay in their home in Needham, Massachusetts, USA in October, 2007. Mr IK Nnah and Ms Adaobi Okereke had been dating before I came to stay with the Nnahs. It was alleged that they met at Ms Okereke's birthday party that took place in her apartment in May, 2007, while I should still be serving a mission in Salt Lake City, Utah till June,  2007. I completed my mission in late June, 2007, left for Nigeria and only returned to the USA in September, 2007 not having any knowledge of the Nnah family nor any of the other parties including Ms Adaobi Okereke.
  2. I had moved away from the Nnah family for peace to reign between the couple and among the family members. Moving to Hyde Park Avenue eased my evening school education and I have no regrets despite the difficulties that I encountered going on the Subway. I took the commuter rail from and to Needham Heights and returned late sometimes by 11pm, a woman and an immigrant in a white neighbourhood. I thought that was common sense!
  3. I never visited with Mr IK Nnah's personal or bachelor house. I never knew the part of Boston he resided. He wasn't interested in me and I wasn't interested in giving him the chase. I never entertained him in my apartment on Hyde Park Avenue either. Not having sex with any member of the Nnah family was in line with me not having sexual knowledge of my benefactors. It saves everybody the burden of being over used. Besides, if I were to stray would I do so with whom I professed differently or similarly? Hypocrisy was a problem I tried hard to overcome when I attended the Lucifer-Devil-Satan Church. Others were blatant hypocrites. Nobody is perfect, right? But does that call for an orgy? What's the place of sex in faith and religion? A sin or a pastime? Like the Ajayi family, I never had sexual intercourse with any member of the Nnah family. Should that make them partners in misery. As they say in the USA, misery loves company.
  4. Mr Nnah was rude to me for coming to the USA the way I did and I knew that I had to leave him. He was lucky to have a family that bottle fed him. I wasn't so lucky to have a father allegedly give a green card to me. Lol. He called me a hitch hiker in his family home in Needham. What he nuts? I never heard there were taboo associated with living in the USA. I would love to read a handbook to update my knowledge. Have you got any, Living in America, for me to read, please? Or it's called Life in the USA?
  5. Mr Simeon Nnah accepted even if reluctantly to help me remove my property from Public Storage Mattapan in July, 2011. I wasn't able to reach the wife who probably paid the mortgage and therefore owned the property. It was better to have reached her so that her opinion could have come in handy. I didn't think she would mind since the space used was outside their living area. Now she must have turned She Who Must Be Obeyed for all her stress in the USA, working several hours to provide for her family. It was the agreement with Mr Simeon Nnah.
  6. He helped me offset an $80 last payment of the storage. I had no backlog of dues to pay. That was the only money he gave to me that he hasn't requested back. $80 not $800. The $400 he gave to me was paid back to him through his (now demised?) brother in Nigeria. Was that a loan or an exchange. I should think the latter because he confirmed from his brother in Nigeria before disbursing the money to me. Why are Nigerians hard to work with? They are never going to say the nicest thing about you without causing trouble for you.
  7. Mr Nnah and I had an agreement he hasn't kept. He promised to give me a list of what he removed from my cubicle and he never did till date.
  8. Mr and Mrs Simeon Nnah made me believe that their daughters-in-law didn't matter in their decision making. I didn't think this was an issue as my property wasn't to be kept in either younger couple's residence. Marriage was consensual not forced to be successful. I hadn't taken pains to come to the USA to become property to the Nnah family just by walking into their home in Needham, Massachusetts. It took more than a dream for a marriage to be true and successful. Mrs Nnah who dreamt of having me as a daughter-in-law never had to be so evil for not having her wish or dream fulfilled in me. God forbid.
  9. Ms Adaobi Okereke was never acknowledged as a rival. I had no interest in her lifestyle nor her achievements. I wasn't also interested in her boyfriend Mr IK Nnah beyond establishing that he wasn't interested in me in any romantic way. 
  10. Ms Okereke claimed to have been born abroad, in the USA. She seemed kind and offered me one of her social security cards to work incognito but I declined the offer. It could have been a trap I was very happy to walk away from. I didn't know why she could use two social security cards while mine restricted me to working only on campus. But it wasn't my axe to grind.
  11. It's been ten years since Mr Simeon Nnah and family had kept a key that I sent to them from the EMS services of the Nigerian Postal Service. Till date, he hasn't returned the key nor the padlock, which he used to remove my property from the Public Storage.
  12. Mrs Mabel Nnah told me that her husband saw no books packed in boxes belonging to me. Her husband, Mr Nnah told me he would have to return to the United States to check if the books were in a Port he kept some property of his. He told me he wasn't collecting any money for his magnanimity. 
  13. I don't know the extent the Lucifer-Devil-Satan Church that Mr and Mrs Nnah served had anything to do with all the trouble that I've faced in the last decade. They are never there to plant, always happy to harvest other people's effort, interest and investment. But hey, they are good sowers of seeds of discord.
  14. I must have incurred Mrs Mabel Nnah's annoyance in not staying to be used as her maid. But I didn't have an agreement with her before I left Nigeria to the USA in September, 2007. Meeting her was a happenstance and letting her opportunism ruin me would be my undoing. I wasn't on a visa sponsored by them nor was slavery legal in the USA. I think she overreacted and only a witch would be content in wickedness.
  15. I didn't want to be angry with Adaobi because if she were a wily fox, their son IK Nnah was a straying chicken. As the Igbo say, a na-ebu uzo chufuo ufu, a lota n'ulo atawa okuko kpara ajo uri/gara ajo ije uta. You first chase away the fox and come home to chide the straying chicken. When a child brings home a fox or an offender, it's pity to keep him or her around. Their child was the problem not even a harlot choosing to marry him. He loved her or made everybody to believe so or preferred her nuisance value to me. Haba! I didn't want a short man for marriage but Adaobi didn't seem to mind. Couldn't I have a choice?
  16. Ms Okereke's family even if Osu had tried to be nice to the Nnah family. But it appeared that the latter wanted some drama for the show. They must have been on a reality show and I wasn't keen to be part of the cast. Mehn! America had money to be made o not gossip for evil minds to keep.
  17. This is to inform the general public that I'm not willing to lose my library of over 40 books to Mrs Mabel Nnah and her husband Mr Simeon Nnah. They were duly paid for, all of them bought offline or online. I don't know why individuals and institutions love to steal from me. What a shame! Organized fraud is not integrity, Mr Nnah. Integrity is strict adherence to moral and ethical codes. Where's the relationship between integrity and any of his actions? What are his problems with me? Greed or envy? Involving people who had no business sending him a key nor in paying my debt means he has no respect for any human being on earth especially me! He gave me aid, by running an errand for which he was thanked, why is he turning into a usurer? How much is he owed by me, how and why? While leaving without those books were a risk, giving the cubicle key was a bigger risk. If he had to beguile me, then he must be the devil, the beguiler, the father of all lies!
  18. It was rude of this family to have contacted my family to make any arrangements involving me behind my back. Couldn't they have told me how long it would take to remove the property from their possession before clearing my property from the Public Storage? Hardly would the family that's the greediest have contributed a dime to my upkeep. I seem to have lost a lot of my life to a meaningless Njoku name and identity. Arrant nonsense! Why should my property enrich Mr and Mrs Nnah's sons and daughter's families seeing that they did nothing for me? Why should my own life stall to lift them up?
  19. While the Nnah family were in the USA before I arrived in Salt Lake City in 2005 and left in June, 2007, I never had any contact with them. They weren't known to me until Mr Obijiaku introduced us in Needham in October, 2007.
  20. I have never used another identity for official purposes. Pseudonyms don't count as identity switch or theft especially when they don't reflect the existence of any other individual. I used one to write Havana Blues, it was never intended to be a topic for ridicule.
  21. I don't know that Mr Nnah has lost a sibling. I don't even understand what harm was supposed to come their way because of helping me take things outside the USA. If there were any risks, I would be happy to discuss such with the parties involved. Nobody has asked me to explain how I bought the books nor have I been informed why anybody would seize them.

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