Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Malachy & I: school run

 migwilo: The application for the transcripts has been made this morning. How are you?

migwilo: Good Morning

urisbest: Wonderful!!! You are a carrier of good news. Good morning to you too!!!

migwilo: well, good afternoon here

urisbest: Aha, I forgot the time difference issue, LOL!!!!

urisbest: Did u get my im about Princeton? they said that they don't need the original yet until I am offered admission.

migwilo: Well, I got your messgae. But how will they decide who and who gets the admission?

urisbest: Well, they said I should scan my current transcript and post it online. I guess, they would working with that for now,

urisbest: I have a copy of the official transcript from UI just not in a sealed envelope, :-)

migwilo: How much is their application fee?

urisbest: It depends on the department you are applying to. But if you apply by Dec 1, you pay $70 after that it's $90.

migwilo: Are they asking for account containing lots of money?

migwilo: I will not be able to apply if they are asking for such

urisbest: I haven't actually begun the application process yet. But you can get more information from their website.

migwilo: Yes.....I will check it out now

urisbest: I believe most schools in the US ask for that before they can issue the 1-20 needed to go for visa interview. It's such a headache.

migwilo: Yes.....that is why it is off limit for many Nigerians

urisbest: One of my friends actually had to pay the deposit fee, but she wasn't allowed to go for her interview. It was a bad way to lose $300.

migwilo: Deposit where?

urisbest: At a university that she was accepted, called Brandeis University.

migwilo: Brandeis is great....

migwilo: You mean the probelm is from Brandeis or American Embassy here?

urisbest: Well, I think it was from both. Brandeis tried hard to send the 1-20 but it arrived later than when she could have gone for the interview. The embassy refused to let select a date for an interview.

migwilo: Refused? Maybe she could not fix a date as fixing a date for interview here can be quite challenging

urisbest: Yeah, that was probably the issue. I didn't know if she fought hard enough.

urisbest: Some people come in the spring if the fall wasn't possible. That's the problem with some of our people we have a defeatist mentality. it's so easy for us to stop in our tracks once we encounter a problem. I have learned to persevere to the end, when possible.

migwilo: Me too? 

migwilo: I am VERY peristent

urisbest: No way!! I said some people, I didn't see u in that category, LOL!!!

migwilo: Yes....I know. I was not saying that you said I belong there.

urisbest: Hahahaha, my bad. I am thinking of studying Psychology. We definitely as a people need help in that area.

migwilo: Are comming back to Nigeria after stdusies?

migwilo: Psychology is pretty good in USA>

migwilo: But not in Nigeria yet.

urisbest: Yeah, because we are not accustomed to facing the truth about ourselves. We like to hide issues and hope that somehow they would disappear.

urisbest: Well it's either psychology or communication studies.

migwilo: Yes... We are basically cycophants here

urisbest: We will get there someday. If we try hard enough.

migwilo: Psychology will be more difficult for you. You must have mathematcal backgound before you do Psych. They will ask you to pass courses in Statistics and mathematics at Masters Level

urisbest: You are correct about the difficulty but I am considering the fact that there are social implications for that. It might be as tough as u imagine.

urisbest: It might not be as tough as you imagine and I can take tutorial classes for mostly statistics.

urisbest: It's funny but my GRE quantitative section is higher than the verbal.

urisbest: That's my score.

migwilo: So you have taken GRE?

migwilo: My Verbal is way too better than my quantitative and I got 6 in the analytical

urisbest: There u go, that's the point. Was your GRE taken on a computer?

migwilo: Yap....CAT

migwilo: Computer Adaptive Test

urisbest: I don't like the computer tests. I'm still old-fashioned preferring the paper tests. I never really had time to prepare for my exams. So I know I would have done better otherwise. But it is well.

migwilo: I tried to pass on the average mark.

migwilo: I have just finished looking at prinston's, I guess they are very heavy handed there. I saw their addmissio stat. For instance, 6600 people applied for PhD in faculty of Arts, only 650 were Taken! in the year 2006!

urisbest: Yeah, they appear to be heavy handed. That's why I was a little skeptical, but I have decided that if it's God's will for me, I would be one of the few accepted. Then it would be God's favor for my life. I am applying to other schools as well.

migwilo: ok..........

migwilo: I am sticking to Canada and Austrlia?

urisbest: The good news is that many people have studied else where in the world but teach in American universities. As long as you distinguish yourself, you will ALWAYS be hot stuff.

migwilo: That is what I am hoping on

migwilo: How is the accommodation there in Boston?

urisbest: It's quite expensive. Boston, I learned is the third most xpensive city in the US after New York and LA.

migwilo: Are you in Bston College, University of Bosto or Mattsachusetts?

urisbest: University of Massachusetts 

migwilo: On a Grant?

urisbest: No, but I have a research assistantship which provides limited financial assistance.

migwilo: SO you pay up to $5000

urisbest: It is possible but it is paid installmentally and it helps.

migwilo: Ok.....I guess. US is really good for education but this account things is a minus

urisbest: They have had students who came here and later couldn't pay their tuition. they don't like being burdened with other people's problems.

migwilo: The account thing started in Post-9/11 US. It was not like this before

migwilo: People usually go and work then pay the fees.

migwilo: They just want to know where the money is comming from to avoid terrorist sponsoring another hijakers

urisbest: But the US has always had limitations on students. Technically, they don't let students work more than 20 hours and must be on campus. Yes, the terrorist thing is also true.

migwilo: Well, the campus work is post-9/11 too.

migwilo: SO that they can keep tab on all students

urisbest: Yes, they even have this thing called SEVIS which is their new way of monitoring students. They keep track of even people's home addresses.

migwilo: It is cool. I do not balme them. But this account thing is bad. These was a time Condi Rice said they will make it easier for students to come to US especially for Post grad studies because Europe is taking scholars away from America but nothing came out of that pledge. It was just another Bush promises

urisbest: Yes...sometimes they feel empty.

urisbest: I get so stressed with the school stuff that I decide to abandon it and live my life.

migwilo: You have abandoned school?

urisbest: No, I mean I could decide to stop here at the master's level. The PhD can be quite stressful, I mean.

migwilo: No do ot stop. Keep moving. It is not like UI. You will be through in 3-4 years MAx>

urisbest: I know but getting seems to be so much stress. But I refuse to give up!!!

migwilo: yap....

migwilo: I have to go and eat. It is 10 to 3pm here

urisbest: OK, I need to have breakfast, LOL!!! Thank God for technology!!!

migwilo: Fried chicken I guess?

urisbest: For breakfast???? No way, a bowl of cereal.

migwilo: Filled with Milk shake?

migwilo: I heard you guys drink a lot of milk

urisbest: No soy milk.

migwilo: Whao..That's why you are loking like something out of heaven!

urisbest: hahahahaha, i biakwa!!!

migwilo: ehehehehe

migwilo: Yes.....

migwilo: See you soon.

urisbest: Thanx for all your help

migwilo: Well, talk to you soon

migwilo: Welcome

migwilo: HAve a good day

urisbest: U too.

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