Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Phil & I: stories and closed chapters oh

 urisbest: My dear, nwanne. How are u?

dangozphil: Nwanne,

dangozphil: How you dey now?

urisbest: I dey fine. My dear how far with your late sister in law?

dangozphil: how levels now?

dangozphil: The burial would take place on the 21st 

dangozphil: ie next week Friday

urisbest: May her soul rest in peace. I was wondering whether you have applied to the school in the Netherlands.

dangozphil: i would be traveling day after tomorrow

dangozphil: not really

dangozphil: i've not really had time

urisbest: Safe trip my friend. My cousin's wife lost her brother whom she calls her "all and all."

dangozphil: i spend better part of my time at Lagos now

urisbest: He just had a baby a month ago. He was married for just two years.

dangozphil: eh yaaa!

dangozphil: oh! no!

dangozphil: it's a very sad one

dangozphil: so the girl is now a widow?

dangozphil: was he sick?

urisbest: yes, o . he was just sick for a few weeks

urisbest: his sister called him the day Obama won the election. and he told her that he was sick. he died that saturday

urisbest: it's really sad. The sister is devastated. And the poor girl is a widow at twenty.

dangozphil: twenty?????

dangozphil: so sad

urisbest: yes, she was married at twenty. just out of high school.

dangozphil: waoh!

dangozphil: what's the sex of the baby?

urisbest: no, she was married at eighteen, she's twenty now. but the girl and her mother who came for "omugwu" are allegedly hiding stuff like his shares (stock). She has refused to return to the village

dangozphil: WHAAAAAT?

dangozphil: where are they from?

urisbest: they are from our place. i know that the girl is an ngwa girl reommended by the late man's oldest sister.

dangozphil: my place? as in Nsulu? 

urisbest: i mean our place as ngwaland.

dangozphil: lolll

dangozphil: i don't understand why a young girl like that should be more concerned about wealth

dangozphil: than the loss of a husband

dangozphil: are you sure he did not eat anything?

urisbest: she and her mother were not seeing eye to eye before her husband died. now they are 5 and 6.

dangozphil: it's suspicious 

dangozphil: sometimes, love portion does opposite what they think

urisbest: who knows. over here, they would perform an autopsy. but no one wants to spend that kind of money

dangozphil: i mean the opposite, and most times, it kills

dangozphil: you see, autopsy does not really reveal the exact thing

dangozphil: it could tell you it's food poisoning

dangozphil: there's a lot to food poisoning

urisbest: i see what you mean. since he travelled to china for business, they could attribute it to what he might have eaten over there.

dangozphil: oh! he just came back from china?

urisbest: yes, he was a businessman and travelled to china often.

dangozphil: what i think is that they should pet her and get the documents from her

dangozphil: does the late guy have a younger brother?

urisbest: No, why?

dangozphil: nooo, it's not what you think. i'm not thinking of levirate

dangozphil: i don't believe in that

dangozphil: i just think it's only the late guy's younger brother who can make trouble over his late brother's property  

dangozphil: the women wouldn't want to come and fight over all that

urisbest: oh, i see what you mean.

dangozphil: and if she doesn't want to release anything, they should leave her

dangozphil: she will suffer

dangozphil: it happened to mu mum's immediate younger brother

urisbest: she has two little children.

dangozphil: he died in 1986 and until his death, he worked with Union bank

dangozphil: and he had 3 little kids

dangozphil: so, Union bank paid a certain amount to the wife

dangozphil: she did not disclose the amount to anybody 

dangozphil: rather she kept everybody away

dangozphil: and started insulting everybody

dangozphil: so, they left him

dangozphil: i mean her

dangozphil: people who wanted to help in paying the children's school fees were scared away

dangozphil: she did not bother about her husban's family

dangozphil: till when the money got finished

dangozphil: she started begging everybody for forgiveness

dangozphil: i'm sure this girl is not educated

dangozphil: what is the burial arangement like?

urisbest: they have not made any plans yet.

dangozphil: and where is their village?

urisbest: amaokwe in isiala ngwa south.

dangozphil: ok

dangozphil: may his soul rest in peace

dangozphil: and may God grant his family members the fortitude to bear up 

dangozphil: but all i know is that the wife will suffer

urisbest: i will leave to God. Millions can disappear. She may think 5 million is a lot of money but it will get finished someday.

dangozphil: because every uncharitable act is a boomerang thing

urisbest: so true, nwanne.

dangozphil: she has brothers, someone will do it to her brothers

dangozphil: pls, take heart

urisbest: i don't know oo. i think the girl is allowing her mother to deceive her. Thank you.

dangozphil: and also calm your uncle's wife

dangozphil: let her take heart

urisbest: the guy i told you is interested in me also his father a week ago. He was ver.y sick

urisbest: Last week was a razy one for me

urisbest: i meant lost his father.

dangozphil: is it the Mbaise guy?

dangozphil: or the Ukaibe guy?

urisbest: no, the mbaise guy is a closed chapter. it is the obingwa guy.

dangozphil: really

urisbest: i haven't met the ukaibe guy yet.

dangozphil: eh yaa

dangozphil: so sorry

dangozphil: that means he would be coming home for the funeral

dangozphil: is the dad really old?

urisbest: yes. as the first son. yes he was 75, not really old but old enough.

dangozphil: noooooooo

dangozphil: 75 is not old ooo

dangozphil: my dad is 74

dangozphil: and i can't afford to lose him now

urisbest: okay, but they bible said that man is expected to die at 70.

dangozphil: he is still very active

dangozphil: yeah

dangozphil: but 70 is too soon

dangozphil: anyway

urisbest: of course, he eats fresh farm produce. they keeps people healthy. it also depends on how he lives his life

dangozphil: does he have grand children?

dangozphil: i mean the guy's dad

urisbest: yes, from his daughter. my dear i just have this little problem with my guy. he wants us to marry on his birthday which is next year and i want it done this year. 

dangozphil: when is his b'day?

dangozphil: what month?

urisbest: well that was before his father's death. Now we just argue a lot.

urisbest: March.

dangozphil: my Dear Girl, march is not too far

dangozphil: we are almost in December

dangozphil: it's about 4 months from now

urisbest: yes, but that's my problem, i just don't understand the wed on birthday thing.

dangozphil: ok

dangozphil: how old is he going to be?

urisbest: he wants to commemorate (i don't know the spelling), his fortieth birthday. you see, i'm still interested in oldr men.

dangozphil: 40 is not tto old my dear

dangozphil: was he married before?

dangozphil: you are 28 now

urisbest: no. his father had ten children and retired from working with the bank the same year his first son (my boyfriend) got admitted into Calabar. So, my guy has been busy putting his siblings through school.

dangozphil: oh he's a nice guy then

dangozphil: he's a father to his siblings

urisbest: I meant Unical. His parents became very sick. although he has a sister who lives in the US, he has been carrying most of the responsibilty because she has her own family.

dangozphil: and i know they'd have much respect for him 

dangozphil: oh yeah

urisbest: i think they do/

dangozphil: sure, they should

urisbest: but i also think he doesn't want them to become self-reliant. i suggested that perhaps the siblings could start a business together so they won't always ask him for money andhe was a little mad at me for suggesting that

dangozphil: you see

dangozphil: it was one of the problems i had with Peter

dangozphil: pls, don't suggest anything concerning his family being less dependent o n him

dangozphil: since you know he doesn't like it

urisbest: i have stopped bothering him on that but won't it be a source of conflict in the future?

dangozphil: no my dear

urisbest: i don't want to be the wicked brother's wife who won't let their brother's wealth get to them.

dangozphil: by the time he starts having children, he would know he has to take care of them (his children)

urisbest: if experience with my father is anything to go by, i doubt that having children will make him change at all.

dangozphil: p-l-e-a-s-e Ijeoma

dangozphil: don't think about your dad in this situation

dangozphil: i think his is a spiritual thing

urisbest: anyway, i don't know what's going to happen. most of the time i don't really want to marry.

dangozphil: STOP THAT!!!!!!

dangozphil: you have to start rejecting anything that will put such thing in your mind

dangozphil: just pray and believe that yours will work out fine

dangozphil: You are Ijeoma

dangozphil: and your luck/star is different from that of your mum and that of any other person 

dangozphil: you are going to make it

dangozphil: don't discourage yourself before you start

dangozphil: pls

dangozphil: pray that you must enjoy your marriage

dangozphil: and have faith

urisbest: thanks a lot. i have just been wondering what's wrong with me. whenever, my relationship almost matures something would destroy it. it is well. Thanks for the advice.

dangozphil: you are welcome by sister

urisbest: i need to leave now. it was fun chatting with you.

dangozphil: same here my dear

urisbest: please keep me posted about the school stuff and any good(and not so good) news in your great life.

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