Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Phil & I: Chidi, a missed proposal and all that Jazz

 urisbest: Wow, baby girl. You look hot.

dangozphil: :D

dangozphil: thanks

urisbest: How far? Did you contact Ikenna again?

urisbest: Are you still online?

dangozphil: i'm yet to

dangozphil: you know i lost my phone and his phone no.

dangozphil: and i wouldn't like to burst into him

dangozphil: besides, i'm not finding it easy with my boss

urisbest: ouch, I didn't know that. how would like to get in touch with him?

urisbest: well, he knows you would be leaving next month, right?

dangozphil: yeah

dangozphil: it was picked from my jeans pocket

dangozphil: at oshodi 

dangozphil: on december 24

dangozphil: he doesn't want me to leave

dangozphil: i mean the CEO

urisbest: do you think you can renegotiate your salary or any other conditions that make you hate the place?

dangozphil: sure

dangozphil: he asked me to name my price

dangozphil: i never knew i was valued

urisbest: well that's an option. If he finds your services very useful, he should offer you more money, respect and dignity.

urisbest: My dear that's the problem with some human beings. They don't know what they have until they are about or actually lose it

dangozphil: but the truth is that my salary was increased to 28k in november

urisbest: that's still very small, my friend. 

dangozphil: which is still nothing

urisbest: you deserve to be working in a very respectable place.

dangozphil: and my discussion with Ikenna showed that i'm going to receive 30k

urisbest: you know what I would suggest go apply to the UPL place if you are given employment ask him to match the offer.

dangozphil: which is even worse than 28

urisbest: Ikenna' s place might also have other fringe benefits but that's so bad.

urisbest: Yeah, I knew he wasn't paid much.

dangozphil: you know, i consider the cost of transportation

urisbest: of course

dangozphil: UPis farther than here

urisbest: i see what you mean

dangozphil: i may end up spending as much as 6k in a month

urisbest: then it's not the best option.

dangozphil: well, a friend of mine is proposing some other thing for me 

dangozphil: though at abuja

urisbest: but there is also option of moving up but that will take years. But what about your magazine? 

urisbest: That's really a good idea.

dangozphil: he is going to give me a car an 80k

urisbest: Ok what kind of job is that?

dangozphil: see, some of our mates are already up there

dangozphil: hmm

dangozphil: it's an agency

urisbest: absolutely. I think you deserve to be treated well

dangozphil: an agric research institue

dangozphil: but it's kicking off in june

urisbest: I love the idea already. So when are you leaving?

dangozphil: that is why i'm not too pushy about the magazine

dangozphil: because it requires a lot of money

urisbest: Yeah, you wouldn't like to start only to stop

dangozphil: so many corporate bodies are going to be involved

urisbest: Yeah, you really want to devote your time and attention to it 

dangozphil: hey are trying to organise an international conference

urisbest: would this be before or after they start in June?

dangozphil: but the ministry of Agric is trying to hijack the project

urisbest: typical

dangozphil: the office ill open in june

dangozphil: and the conference comes up in july

urisbest: well, are you sure you would get the job?

dangozphil: i'm still hoping to come to brandeis

dangozphil: you can imagine me....

urisbest: did you send the money? What happened to the one you sent last year?

dangozphil: chasing so many things at a time

dangozphil: you know i sent $300

dangozphil: last year

urisbest: yeah and they are asking you to send another $500?

dangozphil: and this year again, they say i have to $00

dangozphil: yeah

dangozphil: and when i asked,

dangozphil: the reply i got was that it's going to be adde to the previous 300

dangozphil: so, in all, i'll be having 800

urisbest: so you would have paid $800 that's insane!

dangozphil: and what if i still don't get a visa??????

urisbest: they can't be extorting money from people like that. they have increase the tuition to $37,000

dangozphil: yeah

dangozphil: i saw it

dangozphil: so, i'm waiting to apply for the world bank thing

dangozphil: if it clicks, then i'll pay the $800

dangozphil: sorry,... the 500

urisbest: It's all over, my dear. I don't know what to tell you. Because I don't want you to come and be disappointed. I would say wait for the world band stuff

urisbest: yeah, it makes sense. you know the deadline for that one is the end of march?

urisbest: so the earlier the better

dangozphil: yes,

dangozphil: i started the process on monday

urisbest: good

dangozphil: but i had a problem with my laptop

urisbest: oh, can't you do it after work hours?

dangozphil: you know i can't do that at the office

urisbest: sadly. What about at an internet cafe?

dangozphil: since i told him i was leaving

dangozphil: Though he urges me to stay till when my brandeis admision works out

urisbest: my dear I have learned a lesson about have a best alternative to a negotiated agreement

urisbest: have these other options.

urisbest: I met Chidi Ukaibe at last

urisbest: Oh, I told you that already, right?

dangozphil: ok

urisbest: he told me that he had just proposed to a girl before he met me

dangozphil: yeah, you did

urisbest: He's now he's confused

dangozphil: you mean, you've not seen him again?

urisbest: Yeah, I live in boston and he's in Dallas. 

dangozphil: really?

dangozphil: is that one a nigerian?

urisbest: The cities are like Nigeria and Algeria.

dangozphil: waooo

urisbest: Yes, she's from Etiti Imo State and they have dating for over six months

dangozphil: it's pretty far

urisbest: yeah the US is a huge place

dangozphil: he is really confused

dangozphil: he proposed marriage to a girl he met in less than 6 months

urisbest: And she lives in the same town while i am far away.

dangozphil: oh yeah

dangozphil: so, it makes it easier for him

dangozphil: or for both of them

urisbest: Yes, he asked me your name

dangozphil: but i tell you, if there is love, distance is nohing

urisbest: i wonder if he's going to do some investigation about me or something.

urisbest: that's funny

dangozphil: is the light skinned?

urisbest: No, he's dark skinned

dangozphil: i mean is he light?

urisbest: I understood

dangozphil: bacause i know ebere Ukaibe

dangozphil: could it be Chidiebere?

urisbest: you told me about ebere but I don't think it's the same person. he's just Chidi (also called Ignatius) but he told me that he has an older brother

dangozphil: how long has he been in the States?

urisbest: 5 years I think

urisbest: he was going to school in rivers state before he came here

dangozphil: ok

dangozphil: give him my name, and if possible, my email 

dangozphil: incase he wants to ask about you

dangozphil: or what do you think?

urisbest: I would wait for now. he doesn't call me or show any kind of affection towards me

urisbest: I think he's just being nice to me

urisbest: he might have decided to continue with the girl which i think is OK

urisbest: I would give him your email if he asks me but until then I don't want to disturb him.

dangozphil: it's ok

dangozphil: if it doesn't work, then it's not ment to be

urisbest: exactly and I know that I would get what would make me happy. I wish him happiness.

dangozphil: yeah

dangozphil: that's the spirit

urisbest: what matters is that he finds someone he would love and cherish and I want the same thing. 

urisbest: Do you want Ikenna's number?

dangozphil: yes, pls

urisbest: 0803*1719*7 (edited), that's the last one I gave you.

urisbest: it would be nice if it works out between chidi and me. that means we could meet in the village sometimes.

urisbest: we as you and I

urisbest: i have to get some things done. I hope your brother has picked up his life now and hope the kids are doing all right.

urisbest: It was fun chatting with you as always.

dangozphil: same here, my Dear 

dangozphil: the feeling is mutual

dangozphil: i'm still waiting for Ikenna's no.

dangozphil: sorry

dangozphil: it's already here

dangozphil: thanks Luv

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