Monday, May 20, 2024

WEDA Care....

 Women spend many work hours tending their young children. Does it matter that not all women would like to shelf their life dreams to do housework and give child care? 

WEDA Care is an affordable model that allows women to pay hourly, daily, monthly and even quarterly rates to access quality child care while freeing up time to pursue own dreams and aspirations.

Having access to crucial information about such services as WEDA Care will elevate the life outcome of many young and working wimen in Abia State and Nigeria.

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Complaint About The Abysmal and Rogue Recruitment Pattern in Nigerian Private Schools Especially in Abia State


Hello, everybody. No long time no read? I have been away trying my best to swim across all the stormy waters of Nigeria viz the cashless policy troubles, the elections and now a static economy. But my people have a saying that when there's life there's hope, right? Anyway.... Recently, exactly last year, I got on the TRCN train and decided to get a license to become a certified teacher. I got around to getting a certificate this year and I've been itching to get a job. I had tried getting one in the last decade or so, here and there. I usually quit my jobs because of some of the things I'm going to talk about. But for the sake of time, let me list them here, the twin, triplet and quadruplet manifestations of corruption in recruitment done by private schools in my home state of Abia State and by extension other parts of Nigeria.

  1. Opportunism/Avarice
  2. Ineptitude/Mediocrity/Trickery
  3. Witch Hunt/Disrespect/Acrimony
  4. Fraud/Certificate Racketeering and Gathering
  5. Bottom Power/Promiscuity
  6. Patronage/Piper and the Patron
  7. Lack of Transparent Regulation/Maladministration
  8. Show Business/Pageantry
  9. Coven Culture/Heathenism/Heathenry/Primordial Attachments
  10. Herd Syndrome/Nepotism

Details later...this update somehow coincides with Halloween.... How do I win?

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Ifeoma (Enekwechi) & 1: finding a job in Nigeria is not easy oh


urisbest: Still here when you are ready

kerenme: ok

kerenme: did u study on schorlarship?

urisbest: No

urisbest: I had some financial aid

urisbest: in the way research assistantship 

urisbest: then I used loans and savings

kerenme: pls explain simpler for me ok thanks

urisbest: when i applied for school

urisbest: I asked them if there were any kind of financial help available to foreigners

urisbest: they told me they can help me pay for a quarter of my fees in exchange for 5 hrs per week of work

urisbest: that's the financial aid

urisbest: then I borrowed money to pay part of it and used my savings to pay the rest

kerenme: oh ok

urisbest: It costs about $35,000 to go to school here every yeear

urisbest: some places are cheaper than boston

kerenme: babe i desperately need to do my masters otherwise no growth for me here

kerenme: my office recognises qualification so much

urisbest: yes 

urisbest: but you can get it from Nigeria part time

urisbest: but of course you can come to the US and return to your work after your studies

kerenme: nigeria cert rubbish now

urisbest: abi

kerenme: so what are u cooking?

urisbest: vegetable soup

urisbest: dry ugu

urisbest: i know you guys enjoy the fresh ones

kerenme: yeah girl

kerenme: real fresh

urisbest: na so na

urisbest: we eat the dried ones here

urisbest: dry like okporoko

kerenme: sory oooo

kerenme: my dear 

urisbest: lol

urisbest: it's OK

kerenme: fresh okro really tastes good

urisbest: it has its own goodies

urisbest: it does 

urisbest: we have frozen ones that can pass for fresh here

urisbest: actually we do have fresh ones from Mexicans

urisbest: sometimes some of our dishes taste alike

kerenme: ok

kerenme: so whats ur advice on the masters thing..i have one school in uk almost calling me everyday

urisbest: It depends on where you want to go

kerenme: the way they are calling me im wondering if they are real

urisbest: UK is good 

urisbest: many of my friends are students there

kerenme: but hard to make money abi?

urisbest: hard to make money in the UK?

kerenme: as i work and school same time

urisbest: I think you can do that anywhere

urisbest: in the US too except you can only work on campus for only 20 hours a day

kerenme: 20hrs a day?

kerenme: is that not alot

urisbest: hahahaha

kerenme: lol

kerenme: whats funny dear

kerenme: when do u have time to study?

urisbest: it's not a lot when you think of the bills you have to pay

kerenme: abi?

urisbest: yeah

urisbest: it depends on the city too

urisbest: boston is the third most expensive city in the us

urisbest: other places may be cheaper

kerenme: ok

kerenme: i was even thinking of online

kerenme: study

urisbest: There is a program offered by one of my departments

urisbest: it's on politics and public policy but cheaper than a master's degree

urisbest: It's $1335 per course

urisbest: and you need to take 6 courses to graduate

kerenme: i want to do anything that has to do with sales and management

urisbest: so with $1.2 million you can do that

urisbest: but it's not management

urisbest: 1.2million naira

kerenme: ok

kerenme: i wanted to faint

kerenme: when u sad 1.2million dollars

urisbest: lol

kerenme: what do u think about online study

urisbest: I haven't done it before so I can't tell

urisbest: but it's a common way of going to school here

urisbest: some people take all their courses online

kerenme: im thinking of doin that

kerenme: leaving my job now 4 study abroad is risky

urisbest: it's a good idea

urisbest: yes you don't want to risk it

urisbest: it may not be there when  you come back

urisbest: did u talk to anyone on my behalf

urisbest: are u guys still hiring?

kerenme: my dear my ad

kerenme: sorry my HR said not now

kerenme: that some audit will go on first

kerenme: some people are defrauding 

kerenme: i really dont know jire

urisbest: OK

urisbest: I' still hopeful

kerenme: he said there will definitely be changes but that is subject to our chairman's time and decision

urisbest: OK

urisbest: I guess I would have to wait and see

kerenme: but still spread ur net oo

urisbest: of course my dear

urisbest: I'm even thinking of starting a business ehen I return

urisbest: something to do with hair

urisbest: do women wax their eyebrows in Lagos?

kerenme: yep

kerenme: but depends on the area

kerenme: some areas in lagos cannot afford it

urisbest: what areas do you think might be good for it

urisbest: the hairstyle I will be introducing is also expensive

urisbest: might cost up to #50,000 to start 

kerenme: 50,000 for the weave on?

urisbest: no it's like locks except very micro

kerenme: ok

kerenme: 50k

urisbest: well it takes over ten hours to install it

urisbest: sometimes it can take the whole day

urisbest: are u at home?

kerenme: still in the office

urisbest: Ok

urisbest: because u usually leave at 4;30pm

kerenme: yea

kerenme: im waiting for the traffic to lessen heard its mad out there

urisbest: OK

urisbest: Do you take bus or taxi?

kerenme: usually go with my colleague

urisbest: Ok

urisbest: that works better

Malachy & I: lonely Nigerian

migwilo: Hello Ij?

urisbest: Hi Malachy!! I saw your email. Thanks so much.

migwilo: Cool

migwilo: We wait and see. I am in contact with them and I was hoping that they will be ready today but ...they are not

urisbest: No problem, that's Naija for us. I was worried about Princeton because their deadline is 1dec but they want it sent online so that isn't any problem at all.

urisbest: Sorry that I haven't checked what u asked of me. I have been sick :-(

migwilo: Sick? In America?

urisbest: Yeah, LOL!!! People die here everyday. But it's not my portion in Jesus name!!!

migwilo: Yes....but, we always thought that America is sickness free. It s all about the good life! Paradise!

urisbest: Paradise is relative. Remember that Americans are more depressed than Nigerians. Isn't that funny. So good life in itself doesn't guarantee happiness.

migwilo: Yes.. they are depresed becuase they are mostly lonely. Isn't that true?

urisbest: Hmmm...lonely? Americans party a lot and they are good at maintaining relationships. I think this place is just stressrul. Everyone is expected to be perfect and that is only utopian.

migwilo: I see then work too much! Frienship is hard to maintain becuase they are all at work nearly all the time! That is what is informing my point?

urisbest: They work too much because they have a lot of bills to pay: mortagage, insurance (car, health, etc), cell phone, utilities, etc. And when the holidays roll around, that's another means of expenditure. No wonder finances account for the number one reason for divorce in the United States. But in spite of all this, they still maintain friendships through partying, clubbing and going to the bar. some of them drink a lot too.

migwilo: It bafles me that they always divorce over money. Apart from this, someone can cut down on bills?

urisbest: Well of course but that means you may not really be enjoying the American dream. but it's a question of deciding what's important at any point in time.

migwilo: House, car, TRAVEL, serenity is important to me.

migwilo: I can get all this I guess without dying trying?

urisbest: Of course, but you may need to cut back on other expenses.

migwilo: That is cool. Ij...I have to go now. I am going home. I have a visitor from Lag. See u online tomorrow

Malachy & I: school run

 migwilo: The application for the transcripts has been made this morning. How are you?

migwilo: Good Morning

urisbest: Wonderful!!! You are a carrier of good news. Good morning to you too!!!

migwilo: well, good afternoon here

urisbest: Aha, I forgot the time difference issue, LOL!!!!

urisbest: Did u get my im about Princeton? they said that they don't need the original yet until I am offered admission.

migwilo: Well, I got your messgae. But how will they decide who and who gets the admission?

urisbest: Well, they said I should scan my current transcript and post it online. I guess, they would working with that for now,

urisbest: I have a copy of the official transcript from UI just not in a sealed envelope, :-)

migwilo: How much is their application fee?

urisbest: It depends on the department you are applying to. But if you apply by Dec 1, you pay $70 after that it's $90.

migwilo: Are they asking for account containing lots of money?

migwilo: I will not be able to apply if they are asking for such

urisbest: I haven't actually begun the application process yet. But you can get more information from their website.

migwilo: Yes.....I will check it out now

urisbest: I believe most schools in the US ask for that before they can issue the 1-20 needed to go for visa interview. It's such a headache.

migwilo: Yes.....that is why it is off limit for many Nigerians

urisbest: One of my friends actually had to pay the deposit fee, but she wasn't allowed to go for her interview. It was a bad way to lose $300.

migwilo: Deposit where?

urisbest: At a university that she was accepted, called Brandeis University.

migwilo: Brandeis is great....

migwilo: You mean the probelm is from Brandeis or American Embassy here?

urisbest: Well, I think it was from both. Brandeis tried hard to send the 1-20 but it arrived later than when she could have gone for the interview. The embassy refused to let select a date for an interview.

migwilo: Refused? Maybe she could not fix a date as fixing a date for interview here can be quite challenging

urisbest: Yeah, that was probably the issue. I didn't know if she fought hard enough.

urisbest: Some people come in the spring if the fall wasn't possible. That's the problem with some of our people we have a defeatist mentality. it's so easy for us to stop in our tracks once we encounter a problem. I have learned to persevere to the end, when possible.

migwilo: Me too? 

migwilo: I am VERY peristent

urisbest: No way!! I said some people, I didn't see u in that category, LOL!!!

migwilo: Yes....I know. I was not saying that you said I belong there.

urisbest: Hahahaha, my bad. I am thinking of studying Psychology. We definitely as a people need help in that area.

migwilo: Are comming back to Nigeria after stdusies?

migwilo: Psychology is pretty good in USA>

migwilo: But not in Nigeria yet.

urisbest: Yeah, because we are not accustomed to facing the truth about ourselves. We like to hide issues and hope that somehow they would disappear.

urisbest: Well it's either psychology or communication studies.

migwilo: Yes... We are basically cycophants here

urisbest: We will get there someday. If we try hard enough.

migwilo: Psychology will be more difficult for you. You must have mathematcal backgound before you do Psych. They will ask you to pass courses in Statistics and mathematics at Masters Level

urisbest: You are correct about the difficulty but I am considering the fact that there are social implications for that. It might be as tough as u imagine.

urisbest: It might not be as tough as you imagine and I can take tutorial classes for mostly statistics.

urisbest: It's funny but my GRE quantitative section is higher than the verbal.

urisbest: That's my score.

migwilo: So you have taken GRE?

migwilo: My Verbal is way too better than my quantitative and I got 6 in the analytical

urisbest: There u go, that's the point. Was your GRE taken on a computer?

migwilo: Yap....CAT

migwilo: Computer Adaptive Test

urisbest: I don't like the computer tests. I'm still old-fashioned preferring the paper tests. I never really had time to prepare for my exams. So I know I would have done better otherwise. But it is well.

migwilo: I tried to pass on the average mark.

migwilo: I have just finished looking at prinston's, I guess they are very heavy handed there. I saw their addmissio stat. For instance, 6600 people applied for PhD in faculty of Arts, only 650 were Taken! in the year 2006!

urisbest: Yeah, they appear to be heavy handed. That's why I was a little skeptical, but I have decided that if it's God's will for me, I would be one of the few accepted. Then it would be God's favor for my life. I am applying to other schools as well.

migwilo: ok..........

migwilo: I am sticking to Canada and Austrlia?

urisbest: The good news is that many people have studied else where in the world but teach in American universities. As long as you distinguish yourself, you will ALWAYS be hot stuff.

migwilo: That is what I am hoping on

migwilo: How is the accommodation there in Boston?

urisbest: It's quite expensive. Boston, I learned is the third most xpensive city in the US after New York and LA.

migwilo: Are you in Bston College, University of Bosto or Mattsachusetts?

urisbest: University of Massachusetts 

migwilo: On a Grant?

urisbest: No, but I have a research assistantship which provides limited financial assistance.

migwilo: SO you pay up to $5000

urisbest: It is possible but it is paid installmentally and it helps.

migwilo: Ok.....I guess. US is really good for education but this account things is a minus

urisbest: They have had students who came here and later couldn't pay their tuition. they don't like being burdened with other people's problems.

migwilo: The account thing started in Post-9/11 US. It was not like this before

migwilo: People usually go and work then pay the fees.

migwilo: They just want to know where the money is comming from to avoid terrorist sponsoring another hijakers

urisbest: But the US has always had limitations on students. Technically, they don't let students work more than 20 hours and must be on campus. Yes, the terrorist thing is also true.

migwilo: Well, the campus work is post-9/11 too.

migwilo: SO that they can keep tab on all students

urisbest: Yes, they even have this thing called SEVIS which is their new way of monitoring students. They keep track of even people's home addresses.

migwilo: It is cool. I do not balme them. But this account thing is bad. These was a time Condi Rice said they will make it easier for students to come to US especially for Post grad studies because Europe is taking scholars away from America but nothing came out of that pledge. It was just another Bush promises

urisbest: Yes...sometimes they feel empty.

urisbest: I get so stressed with the school stuff that I decide to abandon it and live my life.

migwilo: You have abandoned school?

urisbest: No, I mean I could decide to stop here at the master's level. The PhD can be quite stressful, I mean.

migwilo: No do ot stop. Keep moving. It is not like UI. You will be through in 3-4 years MAx>

urisbest: I know but getting seems to be so much stress. But I refuse to give up!!!

migwilo: yap....

migwilo: I have to go and eat. It is 10 to 3pm here

urisbest: OK, I need to have breakfast, LOL!!! Thank God for technology!!!

migwilo: Fried chicken I guess?

urisbest: For breakfast???? No way, a bowl of cereal.

migwilo: Filled with Milk shake?

migwilo: I heard you guys drink a lot of milk

urisbest: No soy milk.

migwilo: Whao..That's why you are loking like something out of heaven!

urisbest: hahahahaha, i biakwa!!!

migwilo: ehehehehe

migwilo: Yes.....

migwilo: See you soon.

urisbest: Thanx for all your help

migwilo: Well, talk to you soon

migwilo: Welcome

migwilo: HAve a good day

urisbest: U too.

Phil & I: stories and closed chapters oh

 urisbest: My dear, nwanne. How are u?

dangozphil: Nwanne,

dangozphil: How you dey now?

urisbest: I dey fine. My dear how far with your late sister in law?

dangozphil: how levels now?

dangozphil: The burial would take place on the 21st 

dangozphil: ie next week Friday

urisbest: May her soul rest in peace. I was wondering whether you have applied to the school in the Netherlands.

dangozphil: i would be traveling day after tomorrow

dangozphil: not really

dangozphil: i've not really had time

urisbest: Safe trip my friend. My cousin's wife lost her brother whom she calls her "all and all."

dangozphil: i spend better part of my time at Lagos now

urisbest: He just had a baby a month ago. He was married for just two years.

dangozphil: eh yaaa!

dangozphil: oh! no!

dangozphil: it's a very sad one

dangozphil: so the girl is now a widow?

dangozphil: was he sick?

urisbest: yes, o . he was just sick for a few weeks

urisbest: his sister called him the day Obama won the election. and he told her that he was sick. he died that saturday

urisbest: it's really sad. The sister is devastated. And the poor girl is a widow at twenty.

dangozphil: twenty?????

dangozphil: so sad

urisbest: yes, she was married at twenty. just out of high school.

dangozphil: waoh!

dangozphil: what's the sex of the baby?

urisbest: no, she was married at eighteen, she's twenty now. but the girl and her mother who came for "omugwu" are allegedly hiding stuff like his shares (stock). She has refused to return to the village

dangozphil: WHAAAAAT?

dangozphil: where are they from?

urisbest: they are from our place. i know that the girl is an ngwa girl reommended by the late man's oldest sister.

dangozphil: my place? as in Nsulu? 

urisbest: i mean our place as ngwaland.

dangozphil: lolll

dangozphil: i don't understand why a young girl like that should be more concerned about wealth

dangozphil: than the loss of a husband

dangozphil: are you sure he did not eat anything?

urisbest: she and her mother were not seeing eye to eye before her husband died. now they are 5 and 6.

dangozphil: it's suspicious 

dangozphil: sometimes, love portion does opposite what they think

urisbest: who knows. over here, they would perform an autopsy. but no one wants to spend that kind of money

dangozphil: i mean the opposite, and most times, it kills

dangozphil: you see, autopsy does not really reveal the exact thing

dangozphil: it could tell you it's food poisoning

dangozphil: there's a lot to food poisoning

urisbest: i see what you mean. since he travelled to china for business, they could attribute it to what he might have eaten over there.

dangozphil: oh! he just came back from china?

urisbest: yes, he was a businessman and travelled to china often.

dangozphil: what i think is that they should pet her and get the documents from her

dangozphil: does the late guy have a younger brother?

urisbest: No, why?

dangozphil: nooo, it's not what you think. i'm not thinking of levirate

dangozphil: i don't believe in that

dangozphil: i just think it's only the late guy's younger brother who can make trouble over his late brother's property  

dangozphil: the women wouldn't want to come and fight over all that

urisbest: oh, i see what you mean.

dangozphil: and if she doesn't want to release anything, they should leave her

dangozphil: she will suffer

dangozphil: it happened to mu mum's immediate younger brother

urisbest: she has two little children.

dangozphil: he died in 1986 and until his death, he worked with Union bank

dangozphil: and he had 3 little kids

dangozphil: so, Union bank paid a certain amount to the wife

dangozphil: she did not disclose the amount to anybody 

dangozphil: rather she kept everybody away

dangozphil: and started insulting everybody

dangozphil: so, they left him

dangozphil: i mean her

dangozphil: people who wanted to help in paying the children's school fees were scared away

dangozphil: she did not bother about her husban's family

dangozphil: till when the money got finished

dangozphil: she started begging everybody for forgiveness

dangozphil: i'm sure this girl is not educated

dangozphil: what is the burial arangement like?

urisbest: they have not made any plans yet.

dangozphil: and where is their village?

urisbest: amaokwe in isiala ngwa south.

dangozphil: ok

dangozphil: may his soul rest in peace

dangozphil: and may God grant his family members the fortitude to bear up 

dangozphil: but all i know is that the wife will suffer

urisbest: i will leave to God. Millions can disappear. She may think 5 million is a lot of money but it will get finished someday.

dangozphil: because every uncharitable act is a boomerang thing

urisbest: so true, nwanne.

dangozphil: she has brothers, someone will do it to her brothers

dangozphil: pls, take heart

urisbest: i don't know oo. i think the girl is allowing her mother to deceive her. Thank you.

dangozphil: and also calm your uncle's wife

dangozphil: let her take heart

urisbest: the guy i told you is interested in me also his father a week ago. He was ver.y sick

urisbest: Last week was a razy one for me

urisbest: i meant lost his father.

dangozphil: is it the Mbaise guy?

dangozphil: or the Ukaibe guy?

urisbest: no, the mbaise guy is a closed chapter. it is the obingwa guy.

dangozphil: really

urisbest: i haven't met the ukaibe guy yet.

dangozphil: eh yaa

dangozphil: so sorry

dangozphil: that means he would be coming home for the funeral

dangozphil: is the dad really old?

urisbest: yes. as the first son. yes he was 75, not really old but old enough.

dangozphil: noooooooo

dangozphil: 75 is not old ooo

dangozphil: my dad is 74

dangozphil: and i can't afford to lose him now

urisbest: okay, but they bible said that man is expected to die at 70.

dangozphil: he is still very active

dangozphil: yeah

dangozphil: but 70 is too soon

dangozphil: anyway

urisbest: of course, he eats fresh farm produce. they keeps people healthy. it also depends on how he lives his life

dangozphil: does he have grand children?

dangozphil: i mean the guy's dad

urisbest: yes, from his daughter. my dear i just have this little problem with my guy. he wants us to marry on his birthday which is next year and i want it done this year. 

dangozphil: when is his b'day?

dangozphil: what month?

urisbest: well that was before his father's death. Now we just argue a lot.

urisbest: March.

dangozphil: my Dear Girl, march is not too far

dangozphil: we are almost in December

dangozphil: it's about 4 months from now

urisbest: yes, but that's my problem, i just don't understand the wed on birthday thing.

dangozphil: ok

dangozphil: how old is he going to be?

urisbest: he wants to commemorate (i don't know the spelling), his fortieth birthday. you see, i'm still interested in oldr men.

dangozphil: 40 is not tto old my dear

dangozphil: was he married before?

dangozphil: you are 28 now

urisbest: no. his father had ten children and retired from working with the bank the same year his first son (my boyfriend) got admitted into Calabar. So, my guy has been busy putting his siblings through school.

dangozphil: oh he's a nice guy then

dangozphil: he's a father to his siblings

urisbest: I meant Unical. His parents became very sick. although he has a sister who lives in the US, he has been carrying most of the responsibilty because she has her own family.

dangozphil: and i know they'd have much respect for him 

dangozphil: oh yeah

urisbest: i think they do/

dangozphil: sure, they should

urisbest: but i also think he doesn't want them to become self-reliant. i suggested that perhaps the siblings could start a business together so they won't always ask him for money andhe was a little mad at me for suggesting that

dangozphil: you see

dangozphil: it was one of the problems i had with Peter

dangozphil: pls, don't suggest anything concerning his family being less dependent o n him

dangozphil: since you know he doesn't like it

urisbest: i have stopped bothering him on that but won't it be a source of conflict in the future?

dangozphil: no my dear

urisbest: i don't want to be the wicked brother's wife who won't let their brother's wealth get to them.

dangozphil: by the time he starts having children, he would know he has to take care of them (his children)

urisbest: if experience with my father is anything to go by, i doubt that having children will make him change at all.

dangozphil: p-l-e-a-s-e Ijeoma

dangozphil: don't think about your dad in this situation

dangozphil: i think his is a spiritual thing

urisbest: anyway, i don't know what's going to happen. most of the time i don't really want to marry.

dangozphil: STOP THAT!!!!!!

dangozphil: you have to start rejecting anything that will put such thing in your mind

dangozphil: just pray and believe that yours will work out fine

dangozphil: You are Ijeoma

dangozphil: and your luck/star is different from that of your mum and that of any other person 

dangozphil: you are going to make it

dangozphil: don't discourage yourself before you start

dangozphil: pls

dangozphil: pray that you must enjoy your marriage

dangozphil: and have faith

urisbest: thanks a lot. i have just been wondering what's wrong with me. whenever, my relationship almost matures something would destroy it. it is well. Thanks for the advice.

dangozphil: you are welcome by sister

urisbest: i need to leave now. it was fun chatting with you.

dangozphil: same here my dear

urisbest: please keep me posted about the school stuff and any good(and not so good) news in your great life.

Phil & I: Chidi, a missed proposal and all that Jazz

 urisbest: Wow, baby girl. You look hot.

dangozphil: :D

dangozphil: thanks

urisbest: How far? Did you contact Ikenna again?

urisbest: Are you still online?

dangozphil: i'm yet to

dangozphil: you know i lost my phone and his phone no.

dangozphil: and i wouldn't like to burst into him

dangozphil: besides, i'm not finding it easy with my boss

urisbest: ouch, I didn't know that. how would like to get in touch with him?

urisbest: well, he knows you would be leaving next month, right?

dangozphil: yeah

dangozphil: it was picked from my jeans pocket

dangozphil: at oshodi 

dangozphil: on december 24

dangozphil: he doesn't want me to leave

dangozphil: i mean the CEO

urisbest: do you think you can renegotiate your salary or any other conditions that make you hate the place?

dangozphil: sure

dangozphil: he asked me to name my price

dangozphil: i never knew i was valued

urisbest: well that's an option. If he finds your services very useful, he should offer you more money, respect and dignity.

urisbest: My dear that's the problem with some human beings. They don't know what they have until they are about or actually lose it

dangozphil: but the truth is that my salary was increased to 28k in november

urisbest: that's still very small, my friend. 

dangozphil: which is still nothing

urisbest: you deserve to be working in a very respectable place.

dangozphil: and my discussion with Ikenna showed that i'm going to receive 30k

urisbest: you know what I would suggest go apply to the UPL place if you are given employment ask him to match the offer.

dangozphil: which is even worse than 28

urisbest: Ikenna' s place might also have other fringe benefits but that's so bad.

urisbest: Yeah, I knew he wasn't paid much.

dangozphil: you know, i consider the cost of transportation

urisbest: of course

dangozphil: UPis farther than here

urisbest: i see what you mean

dangozphil: i may end up spending as much as 6k in a month

urisbest: then it's not the best option.

dangozphil: well, a friend of mine is proposing some other thing for me 

dangozphil: though at abuja

urisbest: but there is also option of moving up but that will take years. But what about your magazine? 

urisbest: That's really a good idea.

dangozphil: he is going to give me a car an 80k

urisbest: Ok what kind of job is that?

dangozphil: see, some of our mates are already up there

dangozphil: hmm

dangozphil: it's an agency

urisbest: absolutely. I think you deserve to be treated well

dangozphil: an agric research institue

dangozphil: but it's kicking off in june

urisbest: I love the idea already. So when are you leaving?

dangozphil: that is why i'm not too pushy about the magazine

dangozphil: because it requires a lot of money

urisbest: Yeah, you wouldn't like to start only to stop

dangozphil: so many corporate bodies are going to be involved

urisbest: Yeah, you really want to devote your time and attention to it 

dangozphil: hey are trying to organise an international conference

urisbest: would this be before or after they start in June?

dangozphil: but the ministry of Agric is trying to hijack the project

urisbest: typical

dangozphil: the office ill open in june

dangozphil: and the conference comes up in july

urisbest: well, are you sure you would get the job?

dangozphil: i'm still hoping to come to brandeis

dangozphil: you can imagine me....

urisbest: did you send the money? What happened to the one you sent last year?

dangozphil: chasing so many things at a time

dangozphil: you know i sent $300

dangozphil: last year

urisbest: yeah and they are asking you to send another $500?

dangozphil: and this year again, they say i have to $00

dangozphil: yeah

dangozphil: and when i asked,

dangozphil: the reply i got was that it's going to be adde to the previous 300

dangozphil: so, in all, i'll be having 800

urisbest: so you would have paid $800 that's insane!

dangozphil: and what if i still don't get a visa??????

urisbest: they can't be extorting money from people like that. they have increase the tuition to $37,000

dangozphil: yeah

dangozphil: i saw it

dangozphil: so, i'm waiting to apply for the world bank thing

dangozphil: if it clicks, then i'll pay the $800

dangozphil: sorry,... the 500

urisbest: It's all over, my dear. I don't know what to tell you. Because I don't want you to come and be disappointed. I would say wait for the world band stuff

urisbest: yeah, it makes sense. you know the deadline for that one is the end of march?

urisbest: so the earlier the better

dangozphil: yes,

dangozphil: i started the process on monday

urisbest: good

dangozphil: but i had a problem with my laptop

urisbest: oh, can't you do it after work hours?

dangozphil: you know i can't do that at the office

urisbest: sadly. What about at an internet cafe?

dangozphil: since i told him i was leaving

dangozphil: Though he urges me to stay till when my brandeis admision works out

urisbest: my dear I have learned a lesson about have a best alternative to a negotiated agreement

urisbest: have these other options.

urisbest: I met Chidi Ukaibe at last

urisbest: Oh, I told you that already, right?

dangozphil: ok

urisbest: he told me that he had just proposed to a girl before he met me

dangozphil: yeah, you did

urisbest: He's now he's confused

dangozphil: you mean, you've not seen him again?

urisbest: Yeah, I live in boston and he's in Dallas. 

dangozphil: really?

dangozphil: is that one a nigerian?

urisbest: The cities are like Nigeria and Algeria.

dangozphil: waooo

urisbest: Yes, she's from Etiti Imo State and they have dating for over six months

dangozphil: it's pretty far

urisbest: yeah the US is a huge place

dangozphil: he is really confused

dangozphil: he proposed marriage to a girl he met in less than 6 months

urisbest: And she lives in the same town while i am far away.

dangozphil: oh yeah

dangozphil: so, it makes it easier for him

dangozphil: or for both of them

urisbest: Yes, he asked me your name

dangozphil: but i tell you, if there is love, distance is nohing

urisbest: i wonder if he's going to do some investigation about me or something.

urisbest: that's funny

dangozphil: is the light skinned?

urisbest: No, he's dark skinned

dangozphil: i mean is he light?

urisbest: I understood

dangozphil: bacause i know ebere Ukaibe

dangozphil: could it be Chidiebere?

urisbest: you told me about ebere but I don't think it's the same person. he's just Chidi (also called Ignatius) but he told me that he has an older brother

dangozphil: how long has he been in the States?

urisbest: 5 years I think

urisbest: he was going to school in rivers state before he came here

dangozphil: ok

dangozphil: give him my name, and if possible, my email 

dangozphil: incase he wants to ask about you

dangozphil: or what do you think?

urisbest: I would wait for now. he doesn't call me or show any kind of affection towards me

urisbest: I think he's just being nice to me

urisbest: he might have decided to continue with the girl which i think is OK

urisbest: I would give him your email if he asks me but until then I don't want to disturb him.

dangozphil: it's ok

dangozphil: if it doesn't work, then it's not ment to be

urisbest: exactly and I know that I would get what would make me happy. I wish him happiness.

dangozphil: yeah

dangozphil: that's the spirit

urisbest: what matters is that he finds someone he would love and cherish and I want the same thing. 

urisbest: Do you want Ikenna's number?

dangozphil: yes, pls

urisbest: 0803*1719*7 (edited), that's the last one I gave you.

urisbest: it would be nice if it works out between chidi and me. that means we could meet in the village sometimes.

urisbest: we as you and I

urisbest: i have to get some things done. I hope your brother has picked up his life now and hope the kids are doing all right.

urisbest: It was fun chatting with you as always.

dangozphil: same here, my Dear 

dangozphil: the feeling is mutual

dangozphil: i'm still waiting for Ikenna's no.

dangozphil: sorry

dangozphil: it's already here

dangozphil: thanks Luv